As Far As Awkward Situations Go...

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The first thing you notice as your consciousness stirs is how your body is squished between two masses, the blankets wrapped tight around your body as you shift against the weight that's trapping you under the covers.

Your eyes flutter open as you try to make sense of this feeling, coming face to face with Rafe Cameron as he sleeps, his arm wrapped around your waist.

Or so you thought.

As when you look down you realize his hand was resting loosely on your hip, and it was JJ's arm that was around you as he sleeps against your backside.

Holy fuck. You don't even know what to think next, it was like a sensory overload, the realization bringing all the events of last night to the surface—now replaying over and over again in your head. A blush rises to your cheeks just from the thought of it, from the memory of what you did.

How did you manage to end up in such a situation? You're still holding your breath as if the smallest movement could make it all go away, part of you wondering if you were still asleep, or the Absinthe just had you seeing really vivid illusions.

So as you feel JJ stir against you, you quickly slam your eyes shut, not willing to face any of the aftermath just yet, not willing to wake up from the dream.

His lips, gently pressing to your cheek startles you a bit, and you hear his muffled laugh when he sees you flinch. "What's the matter birdie," he whispers in a low voice, "don't want to open your eyes?"


You feel his hand brush up against your hip, carful not to disturb Rafe's in the process as he traces the outline of your tattoo. "Your hummingbird," JJ explains. "I think I wanna stick with this one."

"This nickname?" You ask, your voice a little muffled as the side of your face is squished into a pillow. "You say that now, but watch. It'll last a week, tops."

"Hm, maybe, but this one is definitely my favourite."

You grin, not wanting to turn away from the sight of Rafe all peaceful as he sleeps, but you're forced to when JJ doesn't speak for a good few minutes after that.

"You're not one to be quiet," you note softly as you find his eyes, that part of you that had wondered if he had gone back to sleep gone as you find them to be open and staring at you.

"It's a lot to process," JJ admits, "you... the absinthe..." him. He doesn't say it, but you note how his eyes shift to study Rafe as he sleeps behind you. "What are your... thoughts on this."

"I'm pretty sure I had told you I had turned my thoughts off last night," you say, trying to avoid confrontation with a smile. But it's no use, as even though his eyes glimmer with amusement he doesn't break his gaze. "I... I had fun."

"I had fun too," JJ echos, "I um, well I really like you and all that..."

"I really like you too."

As the words sink in he leans forward and presses his lips to yours, your mouth falling open a bit to draw the gentle movement out and deepen it. It has him grinning as he pulls away, his hand staying to hold your face for another few moments before he exhales, and shifts to sit up a bit. "Do you think I could use your shower?"

You nod, telling him where the towels are and letting him slip out from under the covers, leaving you to your thoughts again. You turn back to Rafe, watching as his chest rises and falls with every breath he takes.

"Where'd he go?" A sleepy Rafe asks.

"Shower," you murmur, subtly shifting to get a little closer to him.

Paris, and Other European Destinations (JJ x Rafe x Reader) OBXWhere stories live. Discover now