Telling People?

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JJ was really starting to worry you by the time your shift had ended and the two of you were heading out to the car. Not because he was mad or anything, though you were sure he was, but what worried you more was his silence.

JJ Maybank was never silent; ever.

You and Rafe exchange a look as you slide into the front seat, "so... how was the day?" He asks a little tentatively.

"About as you'd expect," JJ responds, "give or take the odd asshole, but that's work, right?"

It was actually the most you had heard him speak all day.

"Yea..." Rafe trails off, his eyes watching him from the rear view mirror as he drives out onto the road, subtly taking your hand without breaking his gaze.

You only try to bring it up when you get home, your sentence getting cut short as JJ waves your question off; "I don't want to talk about it," he insists, "please. It's embarrassing enough as it is."

"Okay," you say as you follow JJ inside, "then what do you want to do?"

"I don't know! I..." he looks your way, his first step cautious before giving in entirely and slamming his lips onto yours.

"I want a distraction," he goes with, his nose still touching yours as he doesn't pull back very far, "I need you."

Your face tingles from the linger effect of his touch, swallowing hard before giving him a short nod, distinct enough for him to pick you up and bring you to the bedroom without enough thought, extending the offer to Rafe as he stands in the doorway—though he's not quite sure what's going on as he missed half the conversation.

By the time Rafe gets there, you're already being stripped out of your clothes, JJ unhooking your bra as he kisses your neck. You sigh softly, JJ's teeth nipping at your skin as you pull his hair, stepping back to find that Rafe had made his way to your other side.

"Oh, hello," you exclaim breathlessly, tilting back to find his lips with yours.

"So... is this how JJ wants to handle things?"

You nod, feeling JJ lean back at the mention of his name. "Okay well, I'm not opposed to it," Rafe chuckles, kissing you one last time before taking hold of the side of JJ's face and doing the same to him. The two hesitate for a moment as they break the kiss before their lips are clashing back together, a small noise escaping Rafe as his mouth falls open to let JJ's tongue slip inside; your hands snaking around JJ's body as you kiss his neck.

He tells Rafe something from under his breath as he takes your underwear off, moving so you two are sitting on the bed—both of you on your knees as you explore each others bodies.

"You gunna let us both fuck you?" JJ asks almost menacingly, taking hold of your jaw as you nod carelessly, feeling Rafe's hand grab your ass as he sits down behind you. JJ watches you jerk forward as you feel Rafe's fingers getting closer to your hole, balling your fists as you feel yourself pitch forward in anticipation, widening your stance as catch JJ's glimmering eyes.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he whispers in your ear as he shifts to get closer, holding you steady as Rafe starts to breach your hole, starting slow with one finger as you fell him hard; pressed up against your leg.

You fumble with JJ's boxers, grinding back into Rafe as JJ helps you taking his dick out, pulling your hair back as your head dips down and you lick a stripe up his length. "Yea, that's it," you hear Rafe mutter, "suck his cock."

He adds another finger as JJ starts pushing your head down, your insides throb as you feel the harsh tug of his fingers in your hair, as you hear the vulgar noise of his dick sliding down the back of your throat, and you give into his strength; his size.

Paris, and Other European Destinations (JJ x Rafe x Reader) OBXWhere stories live. Discover now