Magic Hands

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The days continue to pass, the burn of the summer heat fading as August turns to September, and you continue to adjust to your new lifestyle.

It had been a week or so since you ordered the toys, and on Monday afternoon they had come in the mail. You were with JJ, Rafe still at work when JJ had come in, holding the package up in confusion. You realize it had completely slipped your mind to tell him what Rafe and you had done, giving him a blank stare until you realized what he was holding.

"What's this?"

"Oh!" You realize, your eyes lighting up as you're taking it from him and ripping it open, figuring it'd be easier to show him than explain. The sheer amount of content when you look inside takes you by surprise as you had forgotten how much you got, vaguely aware of the fact that Rafe had kinda just added whatever he thought could be useful while you watched and gave some input every so often; usually a yes or a no.

"Jesus Christ!" JJ exclaims as you begin to go through all of your purchases, "you guys did not hold back, did you?"

You shrug, glancing up at him shyly, "we can return some of the stuff if you think it's too much."

"Absolutely not," JJ quickly says, cutting the thought off from developing as he sits down and begins to look at everything with you. He giggles as he reads some of the names, "soul snatcher? Do we have to sign a waver to use this?"

You snort in laughter, taking what appears to be a vibrator from his hands to inspect it, opening it up to play around with the settings for a bit before something else catches your eye. JJ's too busy reading the instructions of what looks to be some sort of restraint system to notice you as you try to be as low key as possible while taking the dildo out of the package, something absolutely hilarious about a silicon dick that kinda wobbles as you hold it.

When JJ does finally notice, he sits back in surprise, not expecting to come face to face with a rather realistic dick in your hands.

He raises his eyebrows at you as you grin, suddenly thrusting it out in front of you, holding it like a sword, shouting, "on-guard!"

He scrambles backwards, "you. Are. Not. Touching me with that!"

"It's clean!" You protest, running after him as he jumps on the bed to get away from you.

"It's veiny!" JJ fires back, making you both erupt into laughter and you stop chasing him with it to catch your breath. "But hey," he adds when you calm down, "I guess this means that we could... you know... practice."

You drop the hand that was still outstretched, smiling as he steps off the bed and stops right in front of you, "would you want to?" You ask.

"Hm, let me think," JJ sighs, pulling you into his arms as he does so, "yea... seems like a pretty good idea, not going to lie."

You giggle, the sound getting cut off when he kisses you, your lips parting as he runs his tongue along the backs of your teeth. Your head falls back, a soft moan on your lips as he slowly leads you to the bed. Your insides burn as his hand moves to wrap around your neck, lying you down onto your back as he moves to hover over you. He lets out a slow sigh, and you don't even notice him take the toy from your hands until you feel him tap it against ur sternum.

"Take off your shirt."

Your eyes lock as he sits back, watching you pull the material over your head and reveal the bra you had on underneath. He tells you do the same with your bra, and you're watching his eyes darken in lust as you comply. You remove your pants as the anticipation sparks a sense of need to blossom, glancing up to see him slowly pulling his shirt off, his attention on you the whole time as he appears to have no awareness of his actions.

Paris, and Other European Destinations (JJ x Rafe x Reader) OBXWhere stories live. Discover now