And Then He Smiles

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JJ had been apprehensive to the idea of leaving, to the point where he'd change his mind every few hours about whether or not he should go, to the point where Rafe actually had to take his phone so that he wouldn't confuse the fuck out of his friends.

"JJ," you sigh as you help him pack his bag, stopping him as he starts to take clothes out of the suitcase, "you know deep down that this is the right thing to do."

"I... I'm just scared," he admits sheepishly, "I'm not good with confrontation, it's why I'm so god damn hilarious."

"Don't think it of confrontation, just think of it as you visiting your friends; friends you haven't seen in a while," you tell him, noticing how he lets you take the clothes out of his hand to put them back into his bag. "Look," you add, "we love you, okay? All we need is one text from you and we'll come get you. But, you should at least see for yourself before rejecting the idea."

You catch his slight smile, "we, huh?"

We. We love you. You've heard them tell you this more times than you could count, and so you know how nice of a feeling it is to hear. You've just been deprived of being able to say it back, and now that you can it fills you with joy. You lean into kiss him, "yes; we. Or have you forgotten?"

"How could I forget?" JJ murmurs against your lip, his hands tracking through your hair as he kisses you back, only pulling away to groan inwardly. "See? How can I leave all this on New Years?"

"Because... you have to?"

"Urgh! Whatever," JJ states, "you still get Rafe, I'm left with having to explain to my childhood friends how I came to the very sudden realization that I swing both ways, and that I do so every night with my two partners! Ha. Because I have to. I put off doing things I have to do my whole life, why can't I do that now?"

You roll your eyes as he starts to pace, knowing JJ was pulling a bit of dramatic stunt and deciding to focus on only part of what he's said; "you're going to explain all of it?"

He stops walking, furrowing his brow as he realizes what he's said. "Yea. I guess I sorta have to," he says after a moment, "or else I'll still be lying, I'll still have a part of my life that I'd be hiding—a fear that they'll find out and their opinion on me will change. Really, it'll still feel like how it used to, and if I want to be their friend then I don't want to feel like that around them."

You step up to take his face in your hands, "and I'm so proud of you," you tell him, kissing both cheeks as you speak.

"I have to go, don't I?"

You nod, and this time he doesn't protest, leaving to get his toiletries from the bathroom so that you guys can close his suitcase and bring it to the front.

Rafe appears in the doorway when JJ returns, smiling as you two share a look while JJ's finishing up. "J," Rafe finally speaks up, "you're going to chew a hole threw your lip if you keep doing that."

"I'm going to explain it to them," JJ tells Rafe, "I can't... not."

"Yea, I figured."

"And that's okay? You're, erm, you're sisters going to be there," JJ points out.

"Yea, I figured," Rafe repeats, this time with a smile, "but thank you for telling her for me, it's really going to save me one awkward conversation."

"Asshole. N-no—" JJ protests as Rafe wraps his arms around him, trying to squirm free in annoyance. Though, you're sure that a good portion of his visible frustration wasn't genuine. "Don't thank me. I'm not doing this to save your ass, in fact, maybe I'll say you have a small dick or something. How will you like me then, huh?"

Paris, and Other European Destinations (JJ x Rafe x Reader) OBXWhere stories live. Discover now