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Salvatore Boarding School (Hallway)

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Salvatore Boarding School (Hallway)

Josie and Lizzie take Rafael around the school, no one saying a word.

Josie broke the silence. "Everybody gets along with everybody here, for the most part."

"In other words, the Wolves and Vampires get along," Elijah said humorlessly.

"The wolves are pretty cliquey. They like to hang out on their own." Lizzie continued for her sister.

"Makes sense" Hayley said.

"In defiance of the school's commitment to inclusiveness." Josie started, Lizzie once again continued- "That is why we volunteered to be your tour guides, to give you a good witch-welcome before your hairier brethren corrupt you."

Bonnie and Elena were thinking that was a very Caroline thing to do.

"Alaric slept with a witch giving him witchy babies" Damon laughed, while his drinking buddy rolled his eyes with a small smile.

They stop when they reach a classroom. Inside, Dorian Williams is teaching a class full of witches.

"That's our librarian, Mr. Williams. He's subbing for our Chemistry of Magic teacher, who accidentally incinerated himself last week in hellfire." Josie told Rafael when he was watching the class in interest. "Burned all the hair off his body, but didn't leave a scar."

"Ouch" Elena said.

"Hellfire?" Kol said, he eyed Alaric, "What are you teaching the kids?"

The three pause to listen to the class for a few moments.

Dorian continued, "Now, this language has been carefully crafted over centuries. So, you may think you can play fast and loose with the syllables, but you'd be very wrong about that. Because otherwise, a love charm becomes a what?" Dorian looks at the students before calling on a young girl in the back " Penelope, show us."

Penelope turns in her seat so that everyone can see her. Lizzie groans and rolls her eyes out in the hallway. "She who shall not be named,"

Josie looks uncomfortable, "Talking about her gives her power."

"What the hell!" Damon said in confusion. "Now we have a dark lord or lady?"

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