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The Kidnapped Game.

The Kidnapped Game

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Lizzie and Josie walk down the stairs, Lizzie wearing a school jersey, "Let's hit the dining hall and carb load. It's game day."

"I'm not hungry." Josie mutters looking down. Lizzie halts in her steps and stares at her sister, "What?" Josie asks.

"Well, uh, funny thing actually, Josette. This morning, as I was desperately trying to make this trash bag of a jersey look cute, I suddenly had the urge to purge. So I fled to the bowl, and lo and behold, I heaved up a gallon of black goo." Lizzie informes her sister.

Alaric and Freya cringe. Alaric for what was happening to his daughter and Freya because she knew why.

"So, seeing as I haven't been dabbling in any illicit black magic recently, I can only imagine it was a twin sympathy hurl." She continues, with an accusing look directed at her twin sister. "And here you are, denying the day's most important meal. So fess up. What did you do?"

"Maybe you're pregnant, Lizzie." A voice says behind them. The twins turn and Penelope Parks stands behind them. She gives Lizzie a mock look of sympathy, "Oh, or maybe it's just how that jersey fits." The comment makes Lizzie look down at her shirt in self- conscious.

"Or maybe my foot will go up your ass, it will be part of your brain" Caroline growled.

Josie looks at her sister in concern before directing an indifferent tone towards her ex-girlfriend, "Go away, evil one."

"Already gone." she sighs, "Hot tip: next time you burn your ex's hair off, make sure she can't rock a lob." She smirks then walks away.

'She kinda looks like Sophie,' Hayley thought.

The girls turn the other way, running into MG, who had a smile on his face, "Morning! Big game today."

"Bounce, MG." Lizzie sneers, "If you hurry, you can catch up with the Blair Bitch and tongue-chum her again." MG grins, turns on his heel and walks away.

"Did she who shall not be named just fat-shame me?" Lizzie frowns. Josie opens her mouth to answer but thinks better of it and just shakes her head, turning to walk away as well but Alaric gets on their way.

He gives his daughters a look, "Hey, girls, listen."

"Don't do it." The brunette siphoner warns, "Don't say whatever it is you're about to say because you have Dad face, and wherever Dad face goes, daughter disappointment always follows."

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