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Haley's pov

Haley is trying to break the lock on Anya's cage.

Haley says"I'm gonna get you outta here.

Haley gets up and grabs something to break the lock and she finds something and tries to break it but it's harder than it seems. Then Haley finally broke the lock. Then Haley opens the cage door and helps Anya out.

Come on. Quick. Your okay.

someone comes in and she puts Anya back into the cage and then Haley gets in the cage with her and shuts the cage door. the person comes over to the cages and looks at all of them and then everyone tries grabbing her so she walks away from the cages and leaves. Haley opens the cage door and gets out.

Haley says"okay. We've gotta go.

Haley helps Anya out of the cage. Then Haley helps Anya over to a door and then they open and it looks like an elevator. they get inside and it shuts and Haley tries to open it and an alarm goes off.

Anya says"what is that?

Haley says"I-I don't know.

Haley goes back over to Anya and then the ground that there standing on opens and they fall through a hole. they fall into a mine cart full of dead people. Haley starts freaking out and stands.

Haley says"Anya. Take my hand.

Anya takes Haley's hand and Haley pulls herself out and Anya. there standing around to take a breath.

Haley says"we're out.

Then Haley sees clothes.

Haley says"hey. Come on, get dressed. We can't cover any ground like this.

Anya says"I won't leave my people behind.

Haley says"Anya,listen to me. My people are still inside that place to. But they have guards. They have weapons. Once we get out of here, we can get help. We come back.

Anya says"there is no we.

we start hearing chatter.

Anya says"someone's coming.

Haley says"not just someone. Reapers. Hey, no you can't fight you can hardly stand. I have a better idea come on.

Anya and Haley see a mine cart that is empty and they get inside. the reapers start dumping dead bodies in the mine cart that Haley and Anya are in and then someone starts moving the mine cart.

Bellamy's pov

Finn says"where to know?

Murphy says"why don't we loose the handcuffs.

Finn says"no.

Bellamy comes over and takes off Murphy's handcuffs.

Murphy says"thank you.

Finn says"hey what the hell are you doing?

Bellamy says"it was my idea to bring him so I can decide if I want handcuffs on him or not. I can handle Murphy.

Finn says"you better hope so.

Finn walks off. Then Murphy walks up.

Murphy says"so do I get a gun now?

Bellamy shoved him forward.

Haley's pov

Tall of a sudden they stop pushing the cart and start taking out the bodies. the reapers go away from the cart and Haley and Anya get out of the cart and run for there lives.

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