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Haley's pov

Haley is riding a horse and it is going fast and she loves it she never realized how much she loved riding horses or for that matter just loved horses in general. How could Haley know though she lived in space for most of her life.

Abby makes everyone stops Andy she gets off her horse and gets water.

Abby says"Haley you need to drink to.

Haley ignores Abby.

Abby says"Haley please.

Haley turns to the grounders.

Haley said"why did we stop?

Grounders said"because your mo-

Haley said"actually in correct not mom she is our healer not my mom. Nonetheless continue

Grounder says"your healer wanted to get water.

Haley says" tell her we need to leave now.

Grounder turns to abby.

Grounder says"we need to go.

Abby says"yup mmhmm got it loud and clear.

Abby gets on the horse and then as there about to continue on there way home someone shoots a grounder.

Haley says"moutain men.

Haley and Abby and the grounder ride up the hill following the other grounders that are traveling by foot and Indra is about to kill the other moutain man.

Haley says"Indra wait!

Indra says"why?

Haley says"he's fine mount weather he might have information for us.

Indra said"fine.

Haley said "there is a cut in his suit. See if he has a patch kit.

Indra goes to look and finds something else.

Indra says"Haley.

Indra runs over to Haley.

Haley says"what?

Indra hands it to Haley and Haley looks at it.

Indra says"the grounder wasn't the target. You and Lexa are.

[in grounder language]

Indra says"get the fastest riders out to get a message to the commander! Now!

Moutain man screams


Moutain man says" burns.please.

Bells pov

Bell wakes up in a cage and bell starts trying to break out of the cage.

[in grounder language]

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