Chapter 28: Trapped

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Just like usual I threw my shoes to the side of the hallway and made my way upstairs, but on the third step something pierced the heal of my foot which caused me to gasp shock. The house was almost pitch black and I couldn't see what I'd stood on, so I carefully continued up the stairs avoiding using the heel of my left foot but with each step I took I could feel almost a thousand tiny pricks digging into my skin. As i finally at the top, I turned the switch on, as my eyes fell back to the staircase my breath was trapped within my chest as I fixated onto every fleck of glass glazing the wooden floor.

It was happening again.

Every single picture that lined the wall was shattered and the glass from the frames littered the floor, each picture from every frame had been utterly destroyed. In that moment my heart broke because I couldn't escape it, I couldn't escape him and I knew what was coming. It was a tactic to intimidate me. It was a threat, but I didn't need a name, I already knew exactly who it was from.

      " Why are you doing this Derek?" My voice wasn't confident despite my effort, it sounded exhausted and it sounded pathetic. I didn't want to fight him anymore, I'm not a weak person I'm just tired of every single thing in my life turning against me. I didn't hear a reply as the house stood in silence, all I felt was the cold hands of the man in my home wrap themselves around my throat and push me up against the wall, I couldn't see his face but the glowing eyes said everything I needed to know. I was going to die tonight. But honestly, I didn't care. I knew that I could try to fight back, I knew that I could kick and that I could scream, I knew that I could do something. But I didn't. I stared straight back at him as he squeezed tighter and tighter around my neck and I still did nothing. Each breath I took was desperate and painful and my eyes began to burn from the pressure but I let him do it. Just as they began to close and finally I felt the slightest bit of peace as they rolled back, he released his vice like grip from me and let my body collapse against the wooden floor. I was awake but barely, yet I didn't move a muscle, I knew that he knew I was still awake so instead I laid there waiting for his next move.

      " Why didn't you fight back? You just let me do that! Where's that fire gone? The passion. The anger. The strength. The Sienna that stood up for herself?" Derek spat out harshly as his eyes locked with mine.

My palms lifted my body up enough so I leant against the banister as I looked up at the werewolf. " You know exactly what's going on so you know exactly why I didn't bother to fight back this time. I've lost my friends because of you, they don't trust me anymore. You want to kill me and I don't even know what I did wrong to you. I don't want to fight back, I don't need to. So just do it already Derek. I'm so tired of this". I have no power to fight, all I want to do is be honest with him and be honest with myself, that's all I have left in me. He was right, everything that was good or strong about me has gone, taken from me.

      " You don't get off that easily" That's all he said before he lifted me up by my hair and pulled me into my bedroom as he threw me against my bed frame, my body ached as a shriek of pain flew from my mouth before I held my side that hit the cold metal. The way his dark eyes glared at me with only the evilest intent truly brought out my greatest fear because death has a always scared me and now facing it so directly is something I began to question if I really was ready. But even so, my fear doesn't outweigh my reality, so I will not beg for my life, because the life I'm living isn't really mine anymore is it.

His face was now close enough to mine that I could feel his warm breaths crawl against my skin and as he raised his hand and the sharp, black claws extended from his knuckles, I knew that this was it. This was my end to my story.

But it wasn't. Not yet.

It was his body who fell to the floor instead of mine. As my eyes looked up I saw Scott and Deaton, and as my eyes searched for more I could see that in Deatons out stretched hand was a needle with an empty syringe.

I couldn't believe it. I was alive I hadn't quite worked out if I was relieved or annoyed but regardless my heart was still beating. Had they not come at that exact moment it would be me on the floor instead of him. I could feel my chest rising rapidly and my eyes darting around the room as I tried to make sense of everything that was happening to me all at once. The darkness was crawling in and I could barely see my two friends standing infront of me with the worried looks etched onto their faces.

Even my body's weight became too much to carry as I sunk to the floor right next to him, all I could do was stare at the man who had tried to kill me but failed, entirely unable to draw my eyes away from him despite how much I wanted to. I was drawn to him like I was to Stiles but in a much different way, I felt as if I owed something to Derek the feeling is indescribable but undoubtedly powerful. I hate the fact the the two people I'm drawn to the most are the only two people I hate and who hate me.

The warm touch from Scott's hand placed on my shoulder brought me back to reality but as he spoke, the ringing in my ears was excruciating and the noiseless words meant nothing. I didn't even realise that I had been crying the entire time until I felt the tears soak through my top and dampen my chest.

Time was forgotten that night, I don't even know how many hours or minutes had passed since the moment I closed my front door.

" What- what did you give him? " my voice broke slightly as my eyes lifted to look between Deaton and Scott. It was struggle to even keep my eyelids open but I knew I could fight that atleast.

Gently, Deaton responded simply, " Kanima venom, mixed alongside a few of my own things. It's enough to keep him still and quiet for atleast a few hours whilst we take him back to the clinic." My only answer was a nod from my head as I began to stand up from where I'd been sitting.

" Sienna. I know this is a stupid question but are you okay?" Genuinely concerned Scott asked from beside me.

In shock I was really struggling to grasp the gravity of the situation, my life has been a constant shit show on a day to day basis and the moment Dereks body hit the floor it was as if the flood gates came crashing down and everything hit me at once. Nothing felt okay because nothing was okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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