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You've been on the road for a few hours now, the scenery changing from urban towns to open road with no sign of civilisation for miles. Being away from the cities gave you the chance to observe the night sky, the stars glistening like diamonds on the black backdrop of space. You could stare at it for hours, which is pretty much all you've been doing for the majority of your journey. Unfortunately you could only ward of tiredness for so long, your eyelids beginning to droop making your vision blur slightly. Drift noticed this of course and slowly lowered your seat so you were lying down. You were going to protest, saying you should stay awake incase cemetary wind found you but you knew in your current state there would be no way to convince him to let you stay awake. Besides, it would be a waste of the little energy you had left. So you accepted it and got comfortable, the seatbelt tightening slightly to make sure you were secure. "Sleep well, y/n" was all you heard before you fell into a deep slumber, the hum of drifts engine lulling you to sleep.

You don't know how long you were asleep for but when you woke, the sun was high in the sky. You let out a yawn and stretched as much as you could while sitting up. The seat following your movements. "Good morning drift" you greeted, twisting your neck to stretch the stiffness out. He let out a small laugh, "I belive you should be saying good afternoon" he replied, speeding up to pass a car infront. Shocked, you checked the time on the dashboard and true to his word the clock read 14:39. "Damn" you whispered, "Why didn't you wake me up sooner" you questioned, looking out the window to see where you were. "You needed a proper rest after yesterday, you obtained a head injury, there may have been a possibility of a concussion, resting would've helped" he replied. "Yeah but still, I was asleep for like 13 hours" you say, letting out another yawn.

"Where are we anyway" you ask after having seen no indication as to how far you were from atlanta. "We are on route 66. in oklahoma, there should be a gas station coming up soon if you would like to stretch your legs for a bit" he questions, said gas station appearing in the distance. "Yeah, I've pretty much lost all feeling in my legs" you laugh slightly, rubbing your legs to get some blood flowing again. He let's out a hum in agreement and speeds up a bit.

It didn't take long to get there. Drift pulled into the station as you read the sign out the front of the small building. "Lucille's, historic highway" you mumbled, "Oh its not a real gas station, its a historic landmark" you say as drift pulls up to the front of the station. It was a small white building, the main shop where you'd go in to pay for the gas situated behind two red gas pumps with an extra room standing on two columns above them.

You got out of drift, stretching your legs as much as you were physically able to and then deciding to look around for a bit. You walked up to the main window, stickers covering basically all of the glass. It was hard to see into but the inside looked pretty much empty, "guess noones allowed inside" you mumbled to yourself after trying the door. You walked around the side of the building to find a memorial podium 'Will Rogers highway' engraved under the face of a man who you assumed was Will Rogers. "This burial at rt.66 filling station with an over drive design was built in 1929" you began, reading what was written outloud. "W.O. Waldrop bought the business home in 1934 and renamed it the provine station" you continued, drift slowly rolling up behind you. "In 1941 Lucille and Carl Hamons became the new owners. They raised their three children Dene, Carl Jr and Cheryl here." You added, looking out to the station, smiling slightly as you imagined the kind of life they must have had. "For 59 years Lucille operated the business, it is listed on the national register of historic places..." you finished slowly reading the quote below in your head.

"What constitutes to a life well spent? Love and admiration from your fellow men is all that anyone can ask - Will Rogers" you repeat outloud.
"He sounded like a wise man" Drift spoke up behind you. "Yeah, he probably was" you reply smiling. "We should head off though, better to keep moving incase we are being followed, and plus I'm starving..." you add your stomach growling slightly, you walked over to the drivers side of drifts alt mode. He opened the door for you and you hopped in, smiling in thanks. He started driving off and you gave one last glance at the station, even after all these years people still kept the station in a great condition. You smiled and focused back on the road ahead thinking about the journey still infront of you. You had eaten some of the food that was in your bag but ultimately decided it wasn't good enough and opted to stop somewhere.

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