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It's been a few days now. We made it to Chicago and have been hiding out in an abandoned church.

So far it doesn't look like cemetery wind even knows we're here so hopefully we'll be safe for a while.

While the Autobots kept watch around the church, the rest of us gathered around Cade as he explained what our situation was, "There's a full-on manhunt out for us, so we have some new rules." He starts, looking at each of us individually to make sure we were paying attention.

"Anyone who has a badge is not our friend. And we're gonna divide and conquer." He looks over to have and Tessa, "You two in charge of stealing food and the essentials, and nothing else." He pressures, knowing those two would probably steal some random crap we didn't need.

"Chicago KSI headquarters is like a fortress. You and I are gonna find a way into their top-secret military wing." He points to you and then himself, you nod in understanding, glad he's letting you help and not have you stay behind.

"Find something to blackmail this company and the government. We're gonna get our freedom back" he finishes and the small group you made separates into two teams.

Shane and Tessa headed out with crosshairs to gather some supplies while you and Cade looked around the church to see if there was anything useful dumped around.

Cade managed to find a few boxes of clothes which you happily raided through. Sure they probably once belonged to some junkies who hung around the church but you didn't care. Like they always say, one man's trash is another man's treasure. And treasure indeed. You found some pretty decent clothes to change into, they were a little dirty but nothing you haven't dealt with before.

Now all there was to do was wait for Tessa and Shane to get back. Optimus was out scouting with hound, getting a proper lay of the surrounding area.

It was just you, drift, Cade and bumblebee. Drift was practising with his sword and you thought it would be fun to join in so you found a pole and copied drifts movements. He smiled at you and continued to show you different moves.

Cade was sitting at a long table in the centre of the room just watching your interaction with bumblebee sat next to him when an engine could be heard nearing the giant room you were all in.

You all knew it was crosshairs returning with Tessa and Shane so you weren't worried.

They both got out of the car and Cade mentioned to Tessa about how she could wear some proper trousers instead of the shorts she had on. He only earned an eye roll from his daughter as she neared the table.

"What'd you guys get?" Cade questioned as they both dumped their stolen goods onto the table.

"It's protein," Tessa spoke, placing a tub of powdered protein in front of her father. You walked over, pipe still in hand, and picked it up, examining it with a frown.

"What happened to eating real food" you mumbled and placed it back down.

"Look, I said the essentials, okay?" Cade repeated, slightly agreeing with your statement.

"It wasn't easy, we almost got caught." Tessa defended, huffing that Cade wasn't happy with her decision to steal it.

Cade then looked over to Shane who was lounging back on his chair with some shades on.

"You stole mouthwash?" Cade questioned, referring to the bottle of green mouth wash placed in front of him.

Without missing a beat Shane decided to take the dumb route and responded with "I like to be fresh when I'm making out with your daughter"

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