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You explained your plan to the remaining autobots. Its pretty much the same as back in atlanta. Hack and run and now with the additional support of two, possibly three autobots, if you could get crosshairs on your side, it should go off without any issues. Hopefully cemetary wind hadn't discovered your whereabouts yet.

Once the details were settled, you agreed the plan would be set into motion in the morning. After getting the info you needed you'd be leaving Las vegas for good so you needed to get some rest.

It was already 1am and crosshairs still hadn't returned. Even though you only met a few hours ago and it was clear he hated your guts, you were still slightly worried. Who knows what trouble he could get into out there alone.

You were sitting on an abandoned forklift, watching drift practice his sword skills. Your eyes drifting over to the entrance every now and then to check if he was back yet.

"Ya don't gotta worry about him too much kid" came hounds voice from behind you. You turned as he continued, "he's capable of handling himself if needs be and besides, he always comes back by sunrise" he finished chuckling slightly.

"So he's run off more than once?" You question, your full attention now on hound. "Ha I've lost count by now, he's always yammering on about how he'd be better off alone" he grumbles, taking the bullet-cigar out his mouth, "always turns back up by the morning, claiming we'd all be dead metal without him" he adds, coughing slightly before putting the cigar back in his mouth.

You hum slightly, more in confusion than understanding but hound takes that as the end of the conversation and slumps down somewhere comfortable and closes his eyes. You decide to focus back on drift who's now somehow managed to convince bumblebee to be his sparing partner.

You cringe as his sword makes contact with bees arm. Sparks flying off slightly and leaving scratch marks on his yellow paint. Some beeps sound off from bee in what you can only assume was a "what the fuck" and bee goes into battle mode. His helmet activating as he dives towards drift. What was a friendly sparing match was now an alien robot battle and you had just decided maybe you were a little too close to it.

Before you were crushed to death you jumped off the forklift and headed over to the entrance to escape their scuffle.

Seeing headlights in the distance, part of you had a little hope crosshairs had finally come to his senses and came back, but another part of you kept your guard up just incase it was someone you would rather avoid.

To your luck it was crosshairs, after seeing the green from his corvette alt mode, you let out a sigh of relief but still kept your guard up. Afterall, he still hated you.

Time to change that.

You needed him on your side if you were going to be working together from here on out so what better time than the present.

You started walking further out of the warehouse, crosshairs still driving towards you.

He wasn't slowing down.

'This is just a test, he's not really going to hit you...right??' You kept telling yourself. Your heart was hammering in your chest but you still didn't move. He was getting closer and closer still gaining speed but you still refused to move. Whether it was bravery, stupidity or the fact that you were just too scared to move, you decided not to dwell on the thought and at the last second he slammed on the breaks and skidded to a stop about a foot infront of you.

Dust flew in the air and you felt like collapsing. 'What is with this guy and scaring the shit out of me??' You questioned in your head, waiting for any sign he was going to speak.

After getting nothing from him you decided to start the conversation. "OK well that wasn't fun for me but I'll let it slide since I know we got off to a bad start" you began, hoping to break the tension between the two of you. He didn't respond. "Alright, well since you stormed off I'll catch you up to speed, bumblebee and hound have agreed to my plan on hacking into cemetary wind and were going to do it later today, we could use your help incase the feds show up" you ask taking a few steps back...just incase.

He didn't respond verbally and instead started to transform. You took a few more steps back so you didn't 'accidentally' get stood on and waited for his response. "It's a stupid idea and you're going to get us all caught" was all he said and started walking towards a large boulder off to the side of the warehouse.

"What? How am I going to get us all caught, I know what I'm doing and besides, cemetery wind doesn't even know we're in Vegas, we couldn't do this plan at a better time" you tell him, following him over to the boulder. He jumped on it with ease and left you standing on the ground.

"You're in over your head, we've just barely stayed off of their radar as it is and now you wanna send them a homing beacon for our location, how stupid can you get" he questions, pointing his finger at you. "Don't you want to find optimus? That's the whole reason I'm even offering to help you guys" you respond trying to defend yourself. "And that's another thing, why on earth would a human want to help us, especially to find prime, what's in it for you, what would you get outta doing this, seems a little fishy to me" he accuses, glaring at you. "I made a promise to drift I'd help him find optimus and I plan on keeping that promise, I don't have to tell you my reasons for wanting to help but you should be grateful I am because I'm staying with you guys until its done whether you like it or not" you finish and without giving him a chance to retaliate, you storm off back into the warehouse.

When you got there it was a mess, somehow hound had gotten involved and was currently holding a grenade about to pull the pin, drift had bee in a headlock threatening to chop his head off and bee had his arm cannon shoved in hounds face.

They stopped fighting after noticing you and you all just have a stare off before you sighed, shaking your head and walked back over to the forklift which had somehow avoided getting destroyed.

There was a bit of a pause before they all came to a truce and let go of eachtoher at the same time.

Leaving the other two to their business, drift came over to you, sensing your unease.

"You seem upset, is everything alright" he asked, kneeling down infront of you.

"Yeah, just that stubborn robot really pisses me off" you huffed, crossing your arms. Drift just chuckled slightly and nodded his head. "Yes, he isn't the most polite of the lot" he agrees, eventually sitting down to get more comfortable.

"I know he's not the most fond of humans given the circumstances but he doesn't have to be such a dick about it" you mumbled, earning another chuckle from drift. You let out an exasperated sigh.

"Just give him some time, I'm sure he'll come around" he reassured. You nodded and yawned, the realisation dawning on you that it was probably about 2am. You let out another yawn and drift took that as his signal to transform. You smiled at him and hopped off the forklift and sat in the drivers seat, shuffling a bit to get comfortable.

"You've got a big job tomorrow, are you sure you're up to it?" He questions before you've fully fallen asleep.

"Of course, it's gonna be fine" you respond mid yawn. He let's out a hum as you slowly drift to sleep.

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