CH 1 | Absense

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○●○Chapter I○●○

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Chapter I

Its been several years since Bruce Wayne disappeared, presumed by the press to be dead, and his son hasn't fully gotten over it. After all, Theo was only nine years old when it happened. Left alone in the grandness of Wayne Manor with no one but his loyal butler and friend as his only companion. His only guardian.

Theo barely leaves the house these days, the only times being when Alfred forces him to go to school but even that's becoming a challenge. His attitude at school isn't much different either. He doesn't talk when a teacher picks on him to answer a question. No longer talks to the people he once considered friends although they stopped when his father first disappeared, and in general just refuses to participate in any school activity. Just places his head face down on his desk for the duration of the lessons. Alfred received many the phone calls due to this. But now, for the sake of getting through the lessons, his teachers don't ask him for his input.

Theo didn't care.

But today, it being Saturday, the young Wayne didn't have school to attend. In fact, he didn't have anything scheduled for today, which was perfect in his mind, and so just rolled over in his bed, bringing to duvet up over his head.

The fact it was currently mid-afternoon didn't concern him in the slightest.

He was just drifting back off to sleep when a knock sounded at his door. He didn't respond. He knew it was only Alfred but he still didn't make an effort to answer. Alfred suspected this and so opened the door regardless.

"Afternoon, Master Theo." The old butler smiled, carrying a small tray with a cheese sandwich on it. "You never ate your breakfast so I thought you'd be wanting something for lunch instead." He added, placing the tray down on the nightstand. Theo opened his eyes to look at Alfred. He had to admit he was hungry, his stomach growling to confirm that, but wasn't sure if he could stomach eating something now. Instead, he opted on changing the subject.

"How long has it been?"

Alfred looked at him, already knowing what he was referring to but didn't want to assume. "How long since when, sir?"

"Since dad..."

"Six and a half years." Alfred counted with a heavy sigh. Just like Theo, there isn't a day that goes by that Alfred finds himself wondering about Bruce. Hoping- praying- that he'll come back although a part of him also hoped that he didn't.

A silence formed and settled over the pair before Theo reluctantly sat up, glancing from the sandwich Alfred had made for him and down to the foot of his bed. "Eat as much as you can, sir." Alfred spoke softly before turning to leave.

"Do you think he's genuinely gone?" Theo curiously asked out of the blue, making Alfred stop and turn back to him. "Or do you think he's out there somewhere?" It was slightly different to what he asked before about his dad but the boy still found himself asking the questions nonetheless.

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