CH 5 | Tea Leaves

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○●○Chapter V○●○

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Chapter V


The alarm clock buzzed almost obnoxiously louder than it usually does. It felt cruel. Rolling onto his side and groaning, Theo haphazardly threw his arm out from under the warmth of his duvet to hit the alarm clock. Hoping he could, unlike usual, switch it off on the first try. It worked, which was a pleasant surprise. As seconds later the buzzing stopped, his room falling silent once more. Breathing a sigh of content, Theo rolled back, moving to his previous position of laying on his back. Reluctantly he opened his eyes, staring up at the ceiling, his thoughts wandering to the gruelling day ahead.

School. It was the only thing he had to wake up for today. Thank God. He thought. Theo, as much as the next teenager, hated school with a passion, however, he got the feeling school was going to be the least of his troubles. He still had his dad to contend for as Bruce was becoming rather insistent with wanting to spend time with him. To make up for the seven year absence. And there was only so far Theo could go with staying silent and ignoring his dad's attempts.


Glancing back at the clock, Theo sighed, reluctantly forcing himself to sit up. Pushing the duvet off him as he swung his feet off his bed and onto the cold flooring of his room. Despite the decent amount of sleep he'd managed to achieve, Theo was still admittedly tired. And it showed. Rubbing his eyes, he ran a hand through his hair, leaning his head back as he stared up at the ceiling briefly once more.

As if sensing his struggle to physically move from his bed despite sitting on the edge of it, a knock sounded at the door. For a split second, Theo thought it to be his dad and his breath hitched in his throat to further prove this, however, he visibly relaxed as the door opened and the cheerful face of Alfred appeared. Theo gave his best attempts of a smile. "Morning Alfred."

"Morning sir." Alfred returned, shuffling further into the room. "I've made some breakfast if you wish to have any and a fresh cup of coffee." He said. "Or a cup of your herbal tea if you'd prefer?" He then added upon seeing the odd look the boy was wearing. Theo had to admit since drinking the tea Dr Crane gave him, it's pretty much the only hot beverage he'll drink. Coffee, for Theo, no longer has the same taste to it. Theo would even go as far as to say coffee is bland compared to the herbal tea.

"I'll make one of my teas but thank you." Theo nodded. "I'll be down in a minute."

Alfred nodded. "Very well sir."

Closing the door behind him, Alfred wandered off, either back downstairs or to go wake Bruce up, Theo couldn't tell. Not that the thought lingered for much longer on his mind, mind you, as Theo managed to push himself off his bed, sighing as he did so.

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