CH 2 | Opinions

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○●○Chapter II○●○

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Chapter II

Theo wasn't in a rush to get back to the manor and so took a more scenic route. A route he'd discovered at some point during the past year or so on his way back from school. His pace furthered this point as it was slow- a snail's pace- as Alfred would call it. A small smile ghosted his lips as Theo thought back to how Alfred would tell him to pick up the pace, that they weren't waiting for christmas to arrive to get to wherever they were heading. But he couldn't help the speed of his walk, his mind was elsewhere. Distracted. Filled with the encounter with Dr Crane.

It wasn't so much as the whole exchange of the conversation but rather when Crane admitted to knowing how Theo felt. How he understood his feelings. What he's gone through. It was a first.

Theo was half tempted to call the number on the card right here and now but he knew better then to disturb the good doctor while he was with one of his patients. He didn't want to come across as desperate. So instead, Theo shoved his free hand into his jacket pocket, keeping a hold of the small business card between his fingers as he made his way back to Wayne Manor. A feeling of contentment as he did so.

Using one of the side gates that lead out onto the extended drive way, Theo made his way across the gravelled path. Not too far from Theo- close to the front door- was a parked, matt black, government owned car. "Rachel." Theo thought, a small smile tugging at his lips. Despite feeling different about it this morning, it doesn't overly bother him now that Rachel is here.

He knew the feeling would more then likely change later on but for now he was content. Happy even. And he was determined to relish in these feelings for as long as possible as they were hard for him to come by. These days anyways.

Walking up the stone steps to the front doors, Theo grapsed the door handle, turning it, and letting himself in. The sound of the door being opened and Theo's footsteps in the entrance hall of the manor echoed, alerting Alfred and Rachel to Theo's presence before the boy called out to them. "Alfred I'm back!"

"In the kitchen, sir." Alfred called back.

Nodding, not that Alfred could see it, Theo closed the door before making his way through the manor. To the kitchen where the pair were. Alfred still preparing the dinner, although much further along now, while Rachel was sat talking to him however she stopped the moment Theo entered.

"Theo," Rachel smiled, getting up off the chair and going round to hug him. Theo returned the hug. "How are you?" She asked, pulling away and holding the boy at arms length to look at him. "Alfred said you've not been doing too well."

Theo gave a small shrug. "Doing fine." He replied dryly, contradicting what Alfred had admitted, while giving the older man a look. One that Alfred took note of when he looked up briefly before going back to what he was doing.

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