CH 12 | Trouble Seeing

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○●○Chapter XII○●○

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Chapter XII

Warning: Arachnophobia

He's eight minutes late.

Theo sighed, grumbling to himself as he threw his head back in the seat and stared up at the office ceiling. He's already done a few laps of the office, paced the room and admired the rather mundane and stereotypical touches the office holds. Items he's grown accustomed to seeing for the past seven or so months of being a patient here. The Orderly that had been tasked with keeping an eye on him had remained stationary in the doorway, his expressionless eyes tracking Theo with little effort.

He was a burly man, about six two. His military style, black hair, kept short and combed back. His beard trimmed neat. Theo has seen the Orderly about the Asylum before on previous visits and personally felt he'd make a better bouncer for The Iceberg Casino then here at Arkham, but who was he to judge? The Orderly's name, however, had slipped his mind.

Over the span of several minutes, Theo had found himself turning back and looking over his shoulder toward the Orderly, giving the man an assortment of odd looks. It did nothing. A part of him had hoped it would get a rise out of the Asylum worker- to get any form of reaction from him- but didn't and so found himself sighing in annoyance.

The Orderly was used to patients doing this.

"You know, you don't have to stand there?" Theo muttered, rolling his head to the side and toward the door where the Orderly still stood. The Orderly's arms were now crossed over his chest as he stared. Theo rolled his eyes. "I'm not a child, I can sit in a room by myself." He breathed but the Orderly didn't care and averted his gaze back to looking at the wall opposite to the door. Theo gave up.

A silence befell the room as Theo turned his attention back to staring blankly up at the ceiling. The lady at the front desk had mentioned briefly to why Dr Crane was running late but Theo hadn't really been paying attention. He had an earphone in at the time, a song blasting in his left ear, and ultimately had been more absorbed in the song then the receptionist's snobby tone.

Pulling his phone out, Theo checked the time- again. "He's fifteen minutes late now." He said aloud. "It's a good job Bruce is paying." He added, muttering it under his breath at he turned back to the ceiling. A remark meant only for him.

But his time counting got the desired reaction and caused him to look back. The Orderly gave a low grumble of frustration as he uncrossed his arms, allowing them to drop at his sides. He'd been given strict instructions not to divulge any information to the boy, not that the information he knew would be considered as a 'need-to-know' basis but that was above his pay grade to argue. And what Dr Crane said, goes. In truth, the Orderly didn't get paid enough to babysit teenagers- this one in particular. This is Gotham after all, not Metropolis. Still, he did as he was told and kept Theo under his watchful eye in the office, as Crane wrapped up a last-minute 'reassessment' of one of his other patients in the North Wing of the Asylum.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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