CH 11 | 'Spelunking'

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○●○Chapter XI○●○

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Chapter XI

It didn't take long for Bruce to get the authorisation he needed to visit Mr Fox's department, not that he necessarily needed it, and so before he knew it, he was strolling off down to the department. Mr Earle offered to have someone escort him down, but Bruce declined, he knew where he was going and frankly, he didn't want the company.

A smile tugging at his lips as he came into view of- who he presumed- was Mr Lucius Fox. The man, looking to be in his early fifties and who’s complexion was dark, was already staring in Bruce’s direction. The swivel chair reclined back as Lucius observed him. Mr Earle’s words from earlier coming to mind.

I’ll let him know you’re coming.

Moving to shove his hands into his trouser pockets, Bruce continued to walk toward him in silence, albeit for the clacking of his heeled shoes along to smooth concreted flooring of the department. All the while Lucius watched him with an indifferent expression. Stopping short, Bruce nodded, introducing himself without uttering a word.

Lucius hummed, looking him over. “Didn’t believe my ears when Mr Earle said you were back.” Bruce just smiled. “So, what is it I can do for you, Mr Wayne?”

Bruce shrugged, taking a moment to think over Lucius’ words before he spoke up. “Whatever it is you do down here,” He began, causing the older man to frown in confusion. “I wanna know about it.” He added. “I’m interested, that’s all.”

“Mr Earle said you were.” As if to take a deep breath, Lucius inhaled deeply through his nose before releasing it. Bruce, as he does so often nowadays, held an expression of that close to a blank stare which caused Lucius to sigh, looking back at the dimly lit monitor screen before him. "Environmental procedures, defence projects, consumer products.” He explained, reading off the screen and delving straight to the point. The resembled blank stare on Bruce’s face faded, a content one replacing it. Bruce mentally thanked Lucius for not pressing the matter of his curiosity and instead simply accepted it. He wasn’t truly sure he had it in him to explain himself if Lucius wasn’t so accepting. He had a rough idea to what was down here, or at least he had suspicions, but with the seven-year gap, Bruce suspects it’s different now. It would make sense. However, his smile was shortly lived as Lucius continued, a defeated undertone to his words. “All prototypes, not in production at any level whatsoever."

Bruce frowned, stumped, that can’t be right? "None?" His response held a tad more disappointment to it than what he wanted to give off and Lucius eyed him. The man coming to his own conclusions on Bruce’s eluding interest in his department before turning to him fully and standing up. Lucius held a mixed, almost unimpressed, look as he kept eye contact with Bruce and crossed from his desk and over to a supporting column.

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