CH 8 | Teenagers

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○●○Chapter VIII○●○

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Chapter VIII


The day Theo has been dreading since Monday's fiasco of a school day. His Chemistry paper was done- polished to a 't'- so that wasn't the issue. It was his friends- Amber Davis, Billy and Hannah Carter, Ruby Lewis and of course, Brent Elliot. He's somehow managed to evade them every day since Monday but Theo couldn't help but to feel today would be the day in which he'd have no choice but to engage with them. To strike up a conversation he didn't want much part in. The thought alone making him shiver. The girls along with Billy, he knew, had quickly gotten over Theo's hast to get away from them and his dislike on allowing them over to his house, but Brent hasn't. He was still pissed. Theo cared but didn't care- it was strange. He knew Brent would retaliate somehow, to 'get his own back', over the alleged embarrassment of Theo's actions, but he also couldn't care less as Brent's reaction is purely based off his oversized ego. Theo rolled his eyes.

Before he could think on the matter any further, Alfred cleared his throat. "Just pulling up, Sir." Alfred announced, casting his eyes briefly to the boy. Theo nodded. He'd been, admittedly, pleased when Bruce wasn't in the kitchen for the fifth day in a row when he came down. This meant he didn't need to think up another excuse as to why he didn't want Bruce to take him to school. Ever since their little 'bonding moment'- as Alfred has taken to calling it- in the greenhouse and the well, Bruce has been actively trying to get Theo to talk to him more. Monday was definitely a stepping stone, Theo couldn't deny that, but if he were to be honest with himself, Bruce drains what social battery he has left after school. And on top of that, Theo isn't much interested in his dad's attempts either. He doesn't care. In time, perhaps, but not now.

One obstacle at a time as Crane would say.

Pulling into Gotham High's parking lot, Alfred parked the Rolls, turning the key and switching off the engine. "There we are Master Theo." He smiled, leaning back in his seat and turning to look at the boy. He opened his mouth to speak, to add something else, when he noticed Theo's hesitance in wanting to leave the car. He was staring absently out the window, his hand subconsciously clutching the door handle. Alfred gave a thoughtful hum, reconsidering what he'd intended to say. "You'll be fine, sir." He comforted, placing a hand to Theo's shoulder. Theo looked, acknowledging the comment with a tight lipped smile. Alfred could tell instantly Theo didn't want to leave the car, not that he's ever wanted to go to school but this felt different. What, Alfred wasn't sure and so he frowned watching as Theo cast his eyes to the dashboard as he, too, was debating on saying something before seemingly deciding against it. Blinking, Theo grabbed his bag from his feet and pushed to open the passenger side door, climbing out.

He left without much of a goodbye and before Alfred could string together a sentence in which to question him.

"See you later, Master Theo." Alfred spoke to himself.

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