'perfect' reunion

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I walked in my cabin all annoyed at honestly everything. I walk in and see a brunette, hanging some posters and setting up. I couldn't quite see her face, but even her hair everything looked familiar. I didn't think about is as i dropped my bag on the floor. "Fuck" I groaned out while picking my bag from the floor. I look up to see.. no it can't be? My heart dropped.

"C-Catra?" I stutter out in shock. She looked at me with her eyes widened from shock and a raised brow. "Great.." She said groaning and looking back towards her things. I was gonna say something but of course she looked mad. She still had the crazy brown hair but it was flattened down a bit, she had a septum and some ear piercings. She was wearing some baggy ripped jeans with shirt and flannel. I have to admit she looked different she looked.. attractive? "Stop staring would you?" She said with a annoyed tone. "Sorry." I said before looking the other way and putting my stuff down.

As i turned around to see who it was i felt my heart skip a bit. It couldn't be.. but it was Adora. My shocked reaction soon turned into a annoyed one remembering what she had done. "Great.." I said groaning and looking back at my things. I knew she wanted to say something but she hesitated. I couldn't see her well but she looked so different. Same pretty blonde hair but it grew longer, same pretty 'ocean blue orbs' she had a few piercings on her ear, She was wearing an oversized sweater with some baggy jeans. She looked so.. pretty? No i shouldn't say that I remember what she did to me. Even if i miss her i can't get hurt again. I take a deep breathe, noticing her still staring at me. "Stop staring would you?" I said in a annoyed tone. I could see her jump back to reality when she apologized. She put her stuff down and she looked like she had a lot on her mind. I decided just to leave because i'm not dealing with this shit today. I grabbed my phone as i walked out, catching a glimpse of her sitting on the bed with the most confused and surprisingly saddened look on her face. I decided to ignore as i went over to my friends. "Sup" Lonnie said fist bumping me. "Hey." I said plainly. "You good?" She asked me with a concerned look. "Well when i walked in there of course my roommate is my ex friend Adora the one i told you guys about." I said groaning and stretching my face. "Shit" Lonnie said while taking a sip of her soda. "That's perfect now you guys can rebuild your friendship and become besties again!" Scorpia said with stars in her eyes. Of course she would say that, Scorpia sees the good in everything and anyone i guess that's why she's friends with me even tho i'm the biggest bitch. I just rolled my eyes as i sat where everyone else was sitting.

As Catra walked out i just sat on my bed, confused as ever. She's the least expected person i thought i'd see here. I mean i missed her and seeing her all grown up it's just odd. I wanted to apologize right there and then. The thing is i also think i'm a lesbian but closeted of course. Honestly i don't know if i wanted to cry, laugh or scream. I looked outside and saw that Catra was with a few other kids. A slim blonde boy, a guy with green hair, some girl with dreads and a really buff girl with short white hair. They all seemed to be talking but Catra looked emotionless. I sigh as i grab my phone deciding if i should call Glimmer or not when suddenly someone walks thru the door. It was Mermista. "Oh hey Mista." I said to her. Okay maybe i was exaggerating at first i made it sound like we weren't friends at all but i guess i was just being dramatic. Me and Mermista are close, of course i'm closer to Glimmer and Bow but she's like my third closest friend. I guess i made it sound dramatic since i wasn't gonna be with Glimmer or Bow. "Heyy." She said looking down at me with a raised brow. "Hey what's up?" She said sitting down next to me. "Well if things couldn't get any shittier my roommate is literally Catra." I said groaning. "Like THE Catra?" She asked with a surprised tone. "Yep.." I said groaning and plopping back on the bed. "How'd it go?" She asked with a concerned look. I explained to her how our 'reunion' went. "Yeah i mean i get why she's mad at you." She said with a frown. "Yeah i guess but how the fuck am i gonna fix this?" I asked her. She lets out a breathe before saying "Well i'm not sure Adora just tell her your also gay." She said with a raised brow. "W-What how the fuck did you know?" I asked in shock standing up. The blue haired girl laughed before she said "The way you look at Zendaya Adora.." She said sighing drastically. I laugh with her as i rolled my eyes. We stayed talking for a bit, she explained to me that when she was closeted as bi she was also scared to come out, but eventually she did and she couldn't be happier. I took those words into account. "C'mon let's go out and do something." She said laughing while pulling my wrist. I wiped away the tears that had formed on my face as i got out with her. I looked at where Catra was and we both made eye contact, she raised her brow before she looked back down to the floor. I frowned but followed Mermista to where she was going. She led me to a place where a few kids that she knew where. I decide to make the best out of this. Perfuma was also there, she was also one of my friends. "Hey Perfuma." I said waving to her. "Oh hey Adora do you like the plants?" She said looking around at the plants she was gardening. God this girl is obsessed with plants. "Yes Perfuma they are nice." I said while rolling my eyes and smiling. "What even is there to do?" I asked the blue haired girl. "A lot like some games and shit but honestly i'd rather just hangout because those are lame." She said as we were looking around at some kids talking and playing. The youngest kids there were about thirteen and the eldest were eighteen.

I watched as Adora got out of her cabin with a blue haired chick. We made eye contact for a second but i broke it off by looking to the floor. I looked back up and saw that she had a frown on her face as she walked with the girl. She greeted a few people before leaning on a wall and talking with the other. "Catra?" Lonnie said snapping me into reality. "What?" Lonnie asked with a raised brow. "That's her." I said pointing at the blonde. "Damn shes hot." Lonnie said back in response. "Don't even." I said rolling my eyes as i sipped from the coke can.

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