Adora's secret

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I know i said that it's gonna take a while for me and Adora's friendship to form back but it's only been a few days and we already talk like we've never left each other. Why are we like that? It took me so long to warm up with Scorpia but with Adora it only took some time. It's weird but i'm kind of.. happy that she's back. i'm not sure, there is some tension since we were kind of enemies once. I also caught her reading a book, a fucking gay book. I teased her about it and i could see her becoming all nervous but she's straight, i'm sure of it. I stopped my weird thinking as i felt eyes on me. "I can feel you staring at me." I said as i opened my eyes. I see Adora backing away as she hid her blushing face. "What's up?" i asked with a bit of confusion. "Breakfast." She said. "Oh ok." I agreed as i got up and stretched. I looked back at the blonde, she was wearing some shorts with a tank top. I took my eyes off of her and i got up and went to the bathroom. I finished my shower and wore some shorts and a oversized tee. I got out to see Adora reading. "Still reading that gay book?" I asked while smirking. I see her face going full red as she puts on it on the bed. "Shut up." She said before getting up. She grabbed my wrist as she dragged me to the breakfast area. "Adora slow the fuck down." I said groaning as she went to the others. They were sitting next to each other oddly. I look over and got a few stares, i mean i am hanging out with a bright moon kid. "If you don't stop staring i'll cut your heads off." I screamed as we sat with the gang. Everyone quickly looked away as they pretended to eat their food. "Wow you have quite a reputation." Adora said with a raised brow. "I guess.." I said trailing off. "You guess? Catra people fear you." Kyle said with a shocked face. "Oh fuck off." I said as i grabbed a piece of toast. I look over to Lonnie and Mermista who both looked tired. "Had nice sex i'm guessing." I said as i took a sip of coke. I see them both go red as they hid their faces. "Damn." Is all i hear Adora say. I shoot her a little grin before looking back down. "Alright guys because you guys are one of the oldest your obligated to play with the kids." Perfuma announced. "Let me guess you hate this." Adora said with a raised brow. "No i actually like it." I said in argument. "Awh soft Catra." She said teasing. me. "Adora i will cut your fucking head off." I said. "Nah your too soft for that." She teased. "Oh yeah?" I asked before tackling her. "Catra!" She screamed and laughed. "Alright you can go ahead and start a game of soccer." Perfuma said. A few kids lined up before me, those were the horde kids. "Are you a captain?" Adora asked. "No but i manage some of the games." I said. "Listen up, if you guys win i'll buy us all pizza." I said and with that all the kids faces brighten. "I'm serious look, Jess you are the keeper and the rest are on the field." I ordered. The kids give me a smile before running up to the field where the bright moon kids were. "That was so cute." Adora said giggling. "Oh shut up your nickname is literally Adorbs." I said rolling my eyes. She laughed before sitting down next to me and watching the game. The horde kids were brutal but for pizza who wouldn't be? It lasted a few rounds and the horde won 5/7 of them. "And as usual the horde kids win." Perfuma announced unamused. "FUCK YEAH." I screamed as the kids came around to hug me. "You guys did awesome, i'll take care of the pizza." I said smiling at them. They all carried on to go play some more as i stayed back. "Bro that was the cutest shit ever." Adora said literally squeaking. I rolled my eyes as i saw Mermista and Lonnie going over to us. "There's a party hosted and you guys are going." Lonnie said. "What the fuck, didn't they ban parties after last time?" I asked with a raised brow. "Yeah but i guess they changed their mind, by the way it's gonna happen in Kyle's cabin." Lonnie said. "Oh k." I said back. "Now what happened last time?" Adora asked with a raised brow. "Well some people got drunk, some people smoked, some people made out, some people had sex and shit." I explained. I see Adora's face turn into a mostly mad expression. "Did you?" She asked. "What?" I asked back in confusion. "Did you have sex?" She asked a bit quieter this time. "At the party, no." I answered back still confused on why she was asking me that. "Any other time?" She asked once again. "Yeah i guess but it didn't mean anything." I said as i looked down. "Oh." She answered plainly. She seemed sort of mad or sad for some reason. "It didn't mean anything i was just being a stupid whore, they were just a few hookups." I said trying to convince her. The only thing is i didn't know why i was convincing her. "Okay." She said as she took a deep breathe. "What are the parties here like?" She asked trying to change the topic. "Mostly drinking, smoking and games like truth or dare or spin the bottle." I said. "Spin the bottle?" She asked as her eyes lighten up. "Yeah, they aren't gonna make you kiss a girl if you don't want too." I said while rolling my eyes. "No i'm fine with that, are they gonna make me kiss a boy?" Adora asked. What the fuck does she mean by that. She's okay with kissing girls but not okay with kissing guys? "That's kind of gay if you ask me." I said teasing her. What i didn't expect was her response. "I know." She said plainly.

"Adora are you?"



It stayed silent for a little while. She likes girls? WHAT THE FUCK SHE LIKES GIRLS? "Well they aren't." I said. I see her lift her head up. "Okay can we go to the cabin?" she asked. "Yeah of course." I said back. This time i held her hand as we walked back in the cabin. 

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