razor blades

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WARNING: This chapter has mentions of self harm.

The day went chill, me and Mermista talked a bit and we found out we had similar music taste, we also  hung out with Perfuma and Netossa even tho Perfuma couldn't stop talking about plants. When it got around 6pm people started getting around this huge fire pit. Because they wanted to be inclusive of everyone, one side there were horde kids and the other side there were the bright moon kids. Netossa said that last year it was separated into two sides. As i sat down i looked around until i see her again. I see Catra hanging out with the same people from earlier. She looked like she was having fun but at the same time you could clearly tell something was on her mind. I wanted to make eye contact again but i just looked down and sighed in defeat knowing she won't look at me. The managers were telling the younger kids stories while the older ones just talked. I wanted to talk to Catra so bad but i shouldn't force it. She was clearly not happy to see me. Mermista seemed the be having a good time as she talked with some other people.

My day went fine, I mean i was clearly not having it. I can't tell if i'm somehow happy or mad to see her. I know Adora, she clearly wants to apologize but it's probably bullshit. We went around the fire.. like every damn saturday. The younger kids were listening to stories being told while the older kids were talking. I look around to the brightmoon kids and see her. I don't look directly at her but from the angle i could see her she was staring at me. With the same confused and saddened look from earlier. I looked over to Lonnie and the rest who were laughing and drinking some soda. "Are you getting high on coke?" I asked her with a raised brow. Lonnie rolled her eyes before continuing to laugh. I looked back over to Adora and saw that she was gone but i brushed it off thinking she went to the bathroom. I wasn't feeling well so i asked Huntara if i could just go to my cabin. She said that it was fine so i started going towards the cabin. I could feel eyes on me but i ignored it. "Hey Catra." I hear a voice whisper. Of fucking course it's Naomi. "What do you want?" I ask her in a annoyed tone. "Maybe we could hangout i mean the last time we hooked up it was so good." She said in a seductive tone. "We didn't even fucking hook up we made out for a few seconds." I said trying to walk away but she stops me "Oh c'mon i can fuck that tight pussy of yours." She said lingering her fingers on my chest. "Get your fucking hands off me." I said pushing her fingers down and storming to my cabin. She scoffed before going the other way.

I was in the cabin, i didn't feel well so i decided to read for a bit. I could suddenly hear a familiar voice. "Hey Catra."

"What do you want?"

"Maybe we could hangout i mean last time we hooked up it was so good."

"We didn't even fucking hook up we made out for a few seconds."

"Oh c'mon i can fuck that tight pussy of yours."

"Get your fucking hands off me."

Thats when i heard footsteps so i put on my headphones and continued reading. I forgot about it for a while so i just said there reading for a bit until i noticed Catra staring at me but when i looked back up she looked away. She just groaned and locked herself in the bathroom. Well she's having a shitty day. I mean that girl was being a bitch. When i heard their conversation i felt mad but i knew i shouldn't do anything for Catra to get mad.

As i walked in the room she caught my eye. Adora in her bed with some headphones in while reading a book. Cute i thought to myself. Wait what no not cute. I see her eyes wander from the book over to me making us have eye contact. I just groan and lock myself in the bathroom. Great so my mom fucking hates me, Naomi is being a bigger bitch than usual and my roommate is the one and only Adora. I decide to just calm down by taking a shower. I reached for my bag but then i see another bag further from it. It's probably Adora's I looked over but saw something i wasn't expecting. It was about five razor blades in a ziplock bag. My eyes widen as i realize what could have been going on. I slowly back away as i froze. I had a feeling i knew what was going on but i didn't want to actually believe it's true. I got shivers down my spine but brushed it off by starting to get in the shower. The sad thing is i also had some razor blades somewhere in my bag but i'm not sure where i left them. I felt the the cold water hit against my body. Shit i forgot how cold the water is here.

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