Background/Author's Note

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Hey guys! So I was hoping that I wouldn't have to do this... but I've been getting a lot of hate comments lately and ridicule towards the story and my writing.

I don't claim to be a good writer or that this story is good. It is just a story that I wrote and it helped me learn and grow as a writer. I know it is not perfect and not everyone is gonna like it.

That being said- I felt like this is obvious, but if you don't like this story or my writing, then don't read it! No one is forcing you to read this, if you don't like it then leave.

Please don't write hate comments on my writings!

I know that this isn't a perfect story and that not everyone is going to like it. But please be nice and just leave if you don't. There is no reason to spew hate.

I will be deleting hate comments.

There is no reason for them, and they can take away for those who are enjoying the story.

Please no hate, it's really unnecessary.

And for new readers, welcome! I hope you enjoy the story. And if you don't, that's okay! Just please be kind :)

Now let's get to the story!


[Notice- this story has references to the past and i will try to make things as historically accurate as i can, i do my research when writing and will do my best to make it as accurate as i can!]


Y/n: dead. nickname is Phantom. she was born in the year 1200! she was born in England and has a English accent. she's been dead for over 800yrs, was killed at age 17, she doesn't remember how she died, just that she was killed. she has powers of telekinesis, time and spacial jumps (blinking like Five) and commune with dead (like Klaus). she is super awesome and bad*ss but still soft and sweet. Ben found her in the after life and she started to spend time with Ben and Klaus. Ben became like an older brother and Klaus is her very best friend. she always hangs out with Ben and Klaus. she has panic attacks and flashbacks of her life and how she died (but not enough to really remember). she has witnessed most of history and has done some interesting things since dying.

You can picture Y/n however you would like- I will be have my own descriptions of her in there so it's easier for me

This was also not originally a Y/n story which is why Y/n has descriptions of my own.

Five: alive. 63 in 17yr old body, power is time and spacial jumps (blinking). love interest, falls for y/n

Ben: dead. found y/n in after life as a ghost and she taught him how to ghost and he helps her with panic attacks and became an older brother to her. power is eldritch tentacles (i think that's what it's called)

Klaus: alive. 32 years old. y/n's bestie! power is to commune with dead and help them. helps y/n with panic attacks and y/n and Ben take care of him best they can

Luther: alive. 32 yrs old, power is super strength. on the moon so not in story much

Allison: alive. 32 years old, powers are rumoring people. likes y/n when she meets her and becomes a friend

Vanya: alive. 32 years old, power is sound wave manipulation. likes y/n when she meets her and becomes a friend

Diego: alive. 32 years old, power is trajectory manipulation. loves y/n like a little sister when he meets her

Grace: everything same- still a robot

Extra info~
Five came back from apocalypse and stopped it so it didn't happen. it is January 2021. Reggie is still dead.
when you die and become a ghost, you can tell how you died by a scar on your forearm. if you die naturally or by accident then you have a scar of an infinity sign♾ on your left forearm. but if you were killed/murdered then you have a scar of an infinity sign with a line through it on your left forearm (below).

y/n only knows she was killed because of her scar (infinity sign with a line through it) and the gruesome short flashbacks she has

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y/n only knows she was killed because of her scar (infinity sign with a line through it) and the gruesome short flashbacks she has. she remembers all the pain and can still feel it sometimes.

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