Parts 25-28

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Part 25

~back to present, the next morning~
*Five's POV*
Angel and i had fallen asleep reading and i just woke up to see her cuddled into my chest. she looks so cute and peaceful as she sleeps. i hear a knock on my door

Five: come in *i say quietly*
Klaus: *he opens the door and walks in* good morning!
Five: shhh! good morning

Klaus: why you so protective of her🤨 anyways, breakfast is ready. so wake up Phantom and she can try waffles🧇 this morning!
Five: ok thanks, but why not just wait until she's up?

Klaus: hm? oh she sleeps like the dead! (pun intended😌) you gotta wake her up or she can sleep for days!
Five: really? how come?
Klaus: she's a ghost, she has nothing better to do but sleep and nothing to wake her up

Five: oh ok, i'll wake her up then, i'll see you downstairs
Klaus: kk *he skips out*

Five: *i look down at y/n and stroke her cheek gently. a soft smile painted her lips and she nuzzled her head into my chest. i giggle and play with her hair and stroke her cheek*
Five: it's time to wake up Angel

Y/n: *she starts to stir* mmmm
Five: Angel *i drew out the name*
Y/n: *her eyes flutter open and she hugs me* morning love *she mumbles*

Five: good morning love, it's time to wake up *i move some hair out of her face and continue stroking her cheek*
Y/n: mmm fine *she closes her eyes and tightens her hug*

Five: *i laugh* you ready to get up?
Y/n: mhm *she snuggles in closer*
Five: Angel? *i continue laughing*
Y/n: hmm?

Five: it's time to get up *i rub her back and try to sit up*
Y/n: *she tightens her hug and keeps me laying down* mmm *she whines*
Five: Angel what are you doing? it's time for breakfast *i laugh*

Y/n: hmph 😤 *she rolls over so she's laying on top of me* stay😌

Five: no *i giggle*
Y/n: yes
Five: nooo
Y/n: yesss

Five: *i can't argue with her, she's too adorable* mmmm fine! but only 10 more minutes
Y/n: hmmm😊 *she hums happily and buries her face in my chest*
Five: *i grab my phone, set a timer for 10 minutes and text Klaus*

Five: hey can you save some waffles for us? i'm having trouble getting y/n up
Klaus: yeah no problem 😉
Five: thanks and your so weird🙄

Five: *i set my phone down and wrap my arms around Angel. she sighs happily and i can tell she's already asleep again. she is so cute and precious. i still can't shake the image from my mind though, of her laying on the ground last night and looking like that. who would do that to such a sweet and beautiful girl? she is so special and deserves so much better. i close my eyes and fall back asleep*

Five: *shortly after, the timer goes off. i turn off the timer and try to wake her up again. i play with her hair*
Five: ok Angel, 10 minutes are up
Y/n: liar that was only 5 minutes *she whines*
Five: no it wasn't, that was 10! *i laugh*
Y/n: *she looks at me sleepily* please stay here🥺

Five: god you're so adorable! but no! i'm hungry!
Y/n: but Fivey please🥺
Five: Fivey?- no, come on it's time to get up, don't you wanna try waffles🧇 today?

Y/n: mmmmm fine! *she hugs me tight then rolls off me, then off the bed and onto the floor with a small thud*
Five: are you ok?!😂 *i look over the edge of the bed and see her on the floor*

Y/n: owwie🥺 i hit my head *she gets up*
Five: awww i'm sorry Angel *i walk over to her and gently kiss the top of her head*
Five: better?

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