Part 22-24

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Part 22

~later that night~
Allison got the serum and can now see you and Ben. you are all in the living room and you are sitting in between Five and Ben on a couch. Allison and Klaus are sitting together on the couch across from you

Five: ok, so now that we are all here and can communicate, we have a serious topic to discuss
Allison: wait, before you start- this isn't another apocalypse right? *she asks slightly worried*

Five: no it's not, now listen! *he says irritated at the interruption*
Y/n: *you put your hand on Five's to calm him down and he relaxes*
Five: so, i was talking to Grace and there is a way that we can bring y/n back to life, and come to think of it, Ben too

Ben: wait really?! *you nod your head*
Klaus: sweet!
Allison: that's possible?
Five: yes, there are some conditions to resurrect, but only one posses a slight problem at the moment
Ben: and that is?!

Five: let me rephrase, it's only a problem for
B+K+A: what is it?
Y/n: i need to know how i died
Allison: what do you mean? you don't know how you died?

Y/n: no, i remember my life until the day i died. i just know i was killed
Allison: oh, i'm sorry
Y/n: it's ok *you say with little to no emotion and energy*

Five: *looks at you worried due to the tone of your voice*
Klaus: but we can figure out how you died right?
Y/n: i suppose, like some twisted ancient murder mystery from centuries ago *you say with a dead, dry tone and a short humorless laugh*

Ben: *Ben and Five look at you* you ok Phantom?
Y/n: yeah i'm good *you say with no energy or emotion again*
Five: it's been a long day, how about we all go to sleep and we will talk about this more later. Diego can hopefully help too, he gets home tomorrow

All: ok *the others start to leave and you sit there zoning out*
Five: Angel?
Y/n: *you look up at him and he holds out his hand for you. you take it with a small smile and you two blink to his room*

*Five's POV*
Five: *we both change into pjs* would you like to lay down with me darling?
Y/n: yeah...

Part 23

*Five's POV*
we both get into bed. she cuddles into me and i wrap my arms around her

Y/n: i saw that you were reading Macbeth the other day, do you like it?
Five: yeah, i'm rereading it. it's one of my favorites! i found it in the apocalypse and would read it over and over. have you read it?

Y/n: *she smiles* i've read it loads of times, it's one of my favorites too! ya know i was there when William wrote it
Five: really?! that's so cool!

Y/n: *she lets out a light giggle* yeah, he wrote it in 1606. he used to read to me
Five: wait, read to you? does that mean...
Y/n: he could see me. he was very special and he would always read his work to me. i loved listening to it, Macbeth being my favorite. i would sit with him as he wrote. it was nice to have a friend. i was devastated to hear of his death

Five: you two were close?
Y/n: in a way, i didn't get to close to anyone. but he was a good friend. but i made sure he moved on to a better place
Five: wow...

Y/n: he taught me how to read Latin and Italian too, i learned how to read after i died, and he helped me start reading other languages
Five: that's amazing! how many languages do you know?

Y/n: too many to count, i know almost every language. how to speak, read and write in them too
Five: that's so cool! would you like to read Macbeth with me?
Y/n: really?! *she looked up at me excitedly*
Five: of course *i grab the book off my nightstand and open it. i start reading aloud to her*

(you and Five^ pretend it's night time)

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(you and Five^ pretend it's night time)

Part 24

~flashback to the year 1606~
*Y/n's POV*
(your dress)

~flashback to the year 1606~*Y/n's POV*(your dress)

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Will (Shakespeare) and i were sitting at his desk. Will is 42 years old and i am 406 years old, however i look 17

Will: try reading this darling *he points to a line written in Latin on the pamphlet in front of us*

{i am using google translate so it might not be the best- i'm sorry}
Parchment: ars sanitatem
Y/n: ars sanitatem *i read* the art of healing

Will: very good! *we continue reading for a bit longer, then we were sitting around the fireplace*

Y/n: thank you Will for teaching me and being so kind as to welcome me into your home
Will: it is my pleasure darling, it is nice to have some company

Y/n: *i smile softly at him* i think your supper is done
Will: hm? *his head perks up* oh yes, thank you *we sit at the table as he eats*

Will: would you like to hear more of what i have written in Macbeth tonight? *he asks as he finished the dishes*
Y/n: yes please! i find great joy in your works of writing

Will: well then, shall we? *he bows and holds his hand out towards the living room*
Y/n: we shall *i follow him to the living room and sit on the couch as he sits in his arm chair*

Will: now where were we? *he flips through his work. he had finished writing it for the most part and was now in the revision stage*
Y/n: Act 3 Scene 4 *i reminded him*
Will: ah yes, thank you my dear *he begins to read aloud*

Banquet prepared. Enter MACBETH, LADY MACBETH, ROSS, LENOX, LORDS, and attendants.

You know your own degrees; sit down. At first and last, the hearty welcome.

The LORDS sit

Thank you your majesty.

Ourself will mingle with society and play the humble. Our hostess keeps her state, but in best time we will require her welcome

Pronounce it for me, sir, to all our friends, for my heart speaks they are welcome.

Enter FIRST MURDERER at the door

Y/n: *i listen as he reads to me until he fall asleep, then i too drift to sleep*

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