Part 41-45

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Part 41

*Five's POV*
y/n's eyes flutter shut and her pale skin looks almost pure white. i teleport her home and scream for mom. we all gather in the medical room and Grace walks me through fixing her leg. after that i lay with her and hold her as close as i can, afraid that she might disappear completely

Diego: Five, i know that this is hard for you, but i need you to tell us what happened *the others left and it's just us*
Five: two of her former employers teamed up. and he tried to kill her *i look over her sleeping form and emotionless face*

Diego: can you explain a little more? *he sits in a chair next to the bed*
Five: that tape you found... you were right, it does relate to her, but not you think. all those serial killers, they were all her
Diego: what?!

Five: she didn't want to! it was like me and the commission, she was forced! and two of the people who forced her, they teamed up and are trying to get rid of her
Diego: oh...

Five: she said goodbye to me Diego *i cry* she can't leave me, she can't!
Diego: i'm sure she was just scared, wanted to make sure she didn't leave things unfinished if the worst did happen
Five: but it's not gonna happen! do you hear me! she's not leaving!

Diego: i know! i know, i was just saying that she didn't know what was gonna happen, she wanted to be safe just in case
Five: i suppose...
Diego: get some sleep bro, it's been crazy and you need rest just as much as her

Five: okay... goodnight, and thanks
Diego: no problem, goodnight
*he leaves and i fall asleep with my angel*

Part 42

*Y/n's POV*
~in your dream/flashback~
i fidget with the literal rags that i call my clothes. my body aches from the recent beating. Roger stalks into the basement where i sleep and my heart races. here goes nothing...

Roger: alright you bitch, you know the drill *he snaps as he approaches for my daily beating from him*
Y/n: w-wait! i h-have to t-t-tell you something
Roger: what? *my step brother glares at me*
Y/n: u-umm i-it's about y-your- beatings... something h-happened to me...

Roger: what do you mean?! *he asked irritated but also nervous*
Y/n: *i looked down and wrapped myself protectively in my arms as i cower into the corner*

Roger: no... no! NO! you bitch! *he slaps me in anger and fear* IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!!

*and just like that... he did*

~end dream/flashback~

Y/n: *deep inhale and my eyes shoot wide open as i sit up quickly*
Five: y/n? *i hear the only voice i ever want to hear and turn to see him next to me worried*
Y/n: FIVE! *i throw my arms around him and cry as he holds me*

Five: hey, shhh it's okay, you're okay. i'm right here *he soothes and i burry my face in his neck*
Y/n: F-five i- i- *i couldn't form words as sobs choke me*
Five: shhh it's okay, breathe baby, breathe. you're okay now, it's okay *after a while i calm down*

Y/n: five...
Five: i'm right here baby
Y/n: i-i have to tell y-you something... *i look up at him*

Five: what is it angel?
Y/n: i- i-i r-remembered...
Five: wait, you... remember? *his facial features painted themselves in shock*
Y/n: i remember... i know why i died

Five: w-why? *his eyes hold sorrow*
Y/n: umm, p-promise you won't leave me?
Five: what? why would you think that? of course i won't leave you *he says confused*

Y/n: *i cry as i tell him the reason i was killed. he holds me and whispers sweet nothings in my ear. he didn't get mad or try to leave me, i love him so much*

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