Part 36-40

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Part 36

~back to present day, 2 days later~
*Five's POV*
Angel was healing well, but still taking it easy (not by her choice tho). we've continued to look into her past more, but she has been reluctant to share everything. i can tell she is hiding something. i just hope that she trusts me enough to tell me. right now the two of us are in the library and cuddling on the couch

Five: so what were things like in the time leading up to your death? anything suspicious that could have led to such... violence? *i ask carefully*
Y/n: i- umm... *she seems nervous and after a few moments she still doesn't answer, she is definitely hiding something*

Five: *i sigh* look, i've been trying not to push you on this, but i know you're hiding something and i need you to tell me what it is
Y/n: *she keeps her head down, avoiding looking at me*
Five: baby look at me *i gently lift her chin and look into her sad eyes that hold something else too, i just can't tell what*

Five: i just want to help you *i tuck some hair behind her ear* please tell me what's wrong, what you're hiding
Y/n: i was abused, not just before my death, but my whole life
*shame. that's what is in her eyes. her eyes are full of sadness and so much shame*

Five: angel... *that is not what i had expected her to say* i'm so sorry
Y/n: it's okay... it's not your fault
Five: why didn't you tell me?
Y/n: because i'm ashamed... i didn't want you to know how weak i was

Five: hey look at me, you are not weak. if anything that just shows how strong you are, you don't ever have to be ashamed of yourself in front of me.
Y/n: *she says nothing and looks into my eyes. we sit and stare for a moment until the door flies open and Diego runs in holding a tape*
Diego: there you two are!

Five: *i sigh* yes Diego?
Diego: i- um- well-
Y/n: spit it out! *she says getting impatient*
Diego: i found something odd... *he holds up the video tape*

Five: well let's see *we put it in the tv and start watching this episode of some unsolved mysteries show. it was about uncaught serial killers... maybe Diego thinks that one of them killed Angel?*

The show: There are an alarming amount of uncaught murders that string throughout the centuries. Among these are Kyría Thánato, Lady Axe, Spookbijl, Baiser Fantôme, and Baciatrice Mortale. just to name a few... all of the previously listed serial killers had rather clean kills. However, though their methods did vary, there were distinct similarities in all of the kills. As most serial killers have a distinct mark that they leave, all of these left marks with only minor differences. All of which included and revolved around an axe marking burned into the victims' right cheek. It is almost as if these merciless killers were in fact the same person. This however brings us to the next disturbing fact that makes that assumption impossible. These serial killers made their debuts throughout centuries! Making them too far apart from each other- in years and location- to be the same person.

Y/n: Spookbijl, Kyría Thánato, Baiser Fantôme, Lady Axe, Baciatrice Mortale... *she muttered the names to herself in shock and horror*

Five: Ghost Axe, Lady Death, Ghost Kiss, Lady Axe, Deadly Kisser *i translated the names in the various languages*

Diego: i don't know if one of these was your killer, but i have strong feeling that this relates to you *he told y/n and she turned away*
Five: uh- Diego? can you give us a sec?
Diego: sure? *he walks out and i go to y/n*
Five: angel? you okay?

Y/n: Five- i- i- *she sighs* i'm so sorry...
Five: sorry for what? *confusion laced my tone*
Y/n: *she says nothing and just looks me in the eye guiltily and pained*

Five: oh... so- you're all of them?
Y/n: *she nods and drops her head in shame*
Five: baby look at me... *i lift her chin and lock eyes* there is no reason to be ashamed, i already know that you had no choice
Y/n: but i still did it...

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