Part 46-50

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Part 46

*Five's POV*
it's now been a couple days since Nikolaos' warning. it is October 24th now, and y/n's 821st birthday. she is asleep right now and i'm fishing through my closet to find the gift i have for her. once i find the box wrapped in silver wrapping paper with gold hearts on it, i walk over to the bed and sit next to her sleeping form. i place the box to the side and start to play with her hair

Five: good morning angel *i whisper and kiss her lightly*
Y/n: hmm *she hums with a smile* g'morning handsome
Five: guess what day it is
Y/n: Sunday? *she opens her eyes and looks at me*

Five: yes, but there is also something special about today, something that has to do with you my angel *i kiss her forehead and she sits up, leaning against the headboard*
Y/n: *she thinks for a second* i've got nothing
Five: *i laugh and kiss her* happy birthday baby

Y/n: oh *she giggles* thank you love *we kiss again*
Five: this is for you *i hand her the box as she blushes*
Y/n: *she unwraps it carefully and opens it. her face lights up and the plush dinosaur that i got her is out of the box in an instant and in her hand as she jumps on me with a hug. Klaus opened the barrier between our worlds when i got it for her so she would be able to hold it*

Y/n: thank you! thank you! thank you!!!! *she kisses my cheek repeatedly and i laugh*
Five: your welcome angel *i kiss her cheek* but that's not all, there is one more thing in there in there
Y/n: *she pulls away and looks back in the box, a smaller box is pulled out. as she opens it, a tear runs down her face. i wipe it away and she kisses me, i kiss her back*

Five: happy birthday my love
Y/n: thank you bubba! *she hands me the small open box, i take out a silver necklace  of a heartbeat and put it on her*
Five: beautiful, just like you

Y/n: thank you Five, this is the best birthday ever *she cuddles into me and i kiss her forehead again. we stay and cuddle for a while longer*

 we stay and cuddle for a while longer*

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(the dino plushie)

(the dino plushie)

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(the necklace)

Part 47

*Y/n's POV*
it's been a couple days since my birthday. it was definitely the best birthday i've ever had. Grace said that Klaus was ready to bring me back to life. he already brought Ben back to life, so now it's my turn. i'm with Five and Grace right now talking about the possible effects. (Five is making you visible)

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