Part 29-30

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Part 29

*Five's POV*
y/n and i were laying together on the roof and just looking at the stars. it started to get late

Y/n: we should go inside, don't want you getting ill
Five: ok, come in and cuddle with me?
Y/n: of course, i'd love to *she smiles at me and we both stand up*
Five: ready?

Y/n: *she says nothing and spins us around, changing spots with me and pushing me down to the floor*
Five: *i was shocked at her actions and look to see her standing where i just was. i watched as an arrow impelled her abdomen from behind*

Y/n: *she drops to the floor as blood spills out of her stomach and back*
Five: Y/N!!!!! *i scream and watch in horror as someone in a black hood jumps away from another roof. i go to her and she is crying in pain. the door to the roof bursts open and out comes my family*

Ben: Y/N!!! *he runs over to us*
Allison: what happened?! we heard you scream!
Klaus: Y/N!! you're gonna be ok! *he cries*
Diego: how is this possible?! i thought she was dead?!

Y/n: h-he-lp *she struggled to get the word out*
Ben: we need to save her! i'll explain everything later! but if she "dies" while she's a ghost, then she goes to this place- hell essentially, where she will be tortured for eternity!

Diego: shit! mom can help! pick her up and let's go!
Five: you're gonna be ok love, i promise *i pick her up and rush her inside to the medical room. the others went to find mom*

Y/n: *she groaned softly and struggled to keep her eyes open as i laid her on the bed*
Five: hey hey hey, look at me *i stroked her cheek* i need you to stay awake, ok love? can you stay awake for me? we're gonna help you and you're gonna be ok. you just gotta stay with me

Y/n: i... i... *she breathed heavily and her eyes started close*
Five: no no no look at me baby, right here *her eyes continued to flutter open and closed. Grace and the others ran in*
Grace: ok, so this is gonna be tricky but if we work together, then she has a chance
All: ok

Grace: alright. Allison- i need you to make her visible so i can see what needs to be done. Klaus- you have to try and open the connection between the worlds so our medical tools can be used on her. Five- you're gonna have to do all the work since you can touch her and the medical tools ok?

A+K+F: got it
Grace: alright, start now *Allison makes her visible, Klaus opens the connection and i wait for instructions*
Grace: oh dear- that's worse than i thought, she's lost a lot of blood and that goes all the way through. Five, pull out the arrow

Five: *i grasp the arrow and y/n winces* it's ok baby *i say as i pull it out and put it aside. more blood starts gushing out, y/n falls unconscious*
Grace: quickly! *she gives me more instructions and what feels like an eternity later, we finish her surgery*
Grace: well done everyone. you should all go and rest now *she leaves*

Five: *i sat on a chair next to the bed and hold my angel's hand*
Diego: ok, now that she's gonna be ok. *he turns to Ben* Ben- explain!
Ben: *he sighs* that arrow, it could hurt her because it was shot from our world
Five: *i sit quietly and listen while watching y/n sleep*

Allison: you mean someone dead shot her? why?! she's so sweet!
Klaus: there could be multiple reasons as to why- i mean, why was she killed in the first place? she may be sweet, but people still do bad things to good people
Allison: you're right...

Five: how do we know if she goes to that place? *i ask without looking away from her*
Ben: well her body will disappear, so it'll be obvious

Five: *i simply nod*
Diego: it's been a long night, let's all get some rest and talk about this tomorrow
K+A+B: ok *they start to leave but i stay put*
Diego: you coming Five?
Five: uh- no. you guys go, i'm gonna stay here
Klaus: ok, goodnight *they all leave and it's just me and my angel*

Five: my sweet little angel, please wake up. i need you to be ok, i can't lose you. i know it's ridiculous because you're dead and i'm not, and we haven't known each other for very long... but- i love you *i squeeze her hand* i just feel something special with you and feel this connection, almost like you're my soulmate or something *i sigh*

Five: i just need you to be ok and wake up baby, please. well i'll let you rest, i know you need it. but you my little angel, promised me cuddles, and i'm going to hold you to that once you're awake
Five: *i stand up and pull a spare med-bed right next to hers so that they're connecting. i climb onto my bed*

Five: goodnight my precious angel *i kiss her on the forehead and smile big as i hear a single heartbeat echo through the room... her heartbeat*

Part 30

*Five's POV*
i wake up to sun shining through the window. i look over to the bed next to me and see my angel still sound asleep. our fingers were still intertwined with each other. i sat up and stroked her hand with my thumb. the tiniest smile tugged at her lips

Five: angel?
Five: *i sigh* it's ok, you'll wake up soon *i settle in next to her and play with her hair*
Y/n: *after a few minutes, she starts to stir and her eyes flutter open slowly*
Five: *relief washes over my whole body and i smile at her*

Y/n: F-Five? *her voice was tired and hushed*
Five: hey, good morning angel
Y/n: *she smiles at me and tries to sit up but winces as she falls back*
Five: it's ok, just try not to move. you need to rest *i stroke her cheek as she settles back onto the bed*

Y/n: a-are you ok?
Five: yes baby, i'm ok. it's you i'm worried about *i chuckle lightly and look down at her*
Y/n: i'm fine love. it's just a little wound, i've gone through worse *she smiles sleepily at me*
Five: *i frown at her* baby, you were shot by an arrow and it went all the way through you! that's not "just a little wound" and it kills me to know that you've been through worse

Y/n: darling look at me *she puts her hands on my cheeks and pulls me down to her* i'm okay, really. it's nothing *she kisses my nose*
Five: *i feel heat rise to my cheeks as i blush* i'm still worried about you, and it's not nothing
Y/n: *she sighs* do you wanna make me feel better?

Five: yes! *we stare into each other's eyes*
Y/n: *a small smile spreads across her face* then give me cuddles!
Five: *i laugh* that'll be my pleasure m'lady *i lay down with her and she cuddles into me with her head on my chest*

Y/n: *she giggles* why thank you kind sir
Five: *i smile happily and soon we both fall back asleep*

~like an hour later (idk)~
Klaus: *walks in to check on y/n* hey Five?
Five: *i slowly open my eyes to see Klaus at the foot of the bed*
Five: what? *i ask sleepily*

Klaus: how is she? *i can hear the worry in his voice and see the anxious concern on his face*
Five: she's ok *i soften my tone* she woke up like an hour ago and was in pain but kept insisting she was fine *i smile down at the sleeping angel in my arms*

Klaus: *he sighs in relief* thank goodness, i was so worried about her... that other place- it sounds bad, like really bad. Phantom was actually the one who told Ben and i about it
Five: yeah... but she'll be ok, she's not going anywhere *i hold her close*

Klaus: have you told her about the other condition yet?
Five: what? *my gaze snaps to his*
Klaus: yeah i know about all the conditions for resurrection. she needs to know how she died, but finding love is pretty big too

Five: i know it is *i sigh* and no i haven't told her. she doesn't need to worry about that part
Klaus: so you admit you love her? *he smirks slightly*
Five: i- i- *he looks at me expectantly and i accept defeat* yes i do

Klaus: i knew it! *he laughed and did a little dance* so when you gonna tell her?!
Five: not yet...
Klaus: well, i suppose you have time... but you better tell her sooner or later

Five: what if she doesn't feel the same way?
Klaus: well Phantom is not one to show her feelings very much, but i can tell by the way she looks at you that she feels something for you
Five: really?!

Klaus: yeah, i'm almost certain that she feels the same
Five: i hope so *i smile at her as she slightly purses her lips in her sleep*

Klaus: well, i'll leave you be and update the others. let us know when she's awake
Five: i will, thanks Klaus
Klaus: *he smiles and leaves the room as i happily hold my sleeping angel*

Sorry for the wait! I forgot I was uploading this story! I'll try and post more frequent updates! Love y'all!

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