Part 17-21

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Part 17

*No one's POV*
y/n and Five walked into the living room where Klaus and Ben were waiting. Five sits on one of the couches and takes your hand, guiding you to a spot next to him.

Five: hi Klaus, Ben *he greets*
Ben: hi?- um- how?!
Klaus: oh right, Five can see and hear ghosts now
Ben: WHA- *he gets cut off by the front door opening and footsteps leading to the living room*

Allison: hey boys, i'm home! *she smiles as she walks in*
Klaus: Allison!! *he jumps up from his chair and hugs her* girl you were gone too long!
Five: hi Allison, welcome back *he gave her a soft smile*

Allison: hi Five, thanks. and Klaus, i was only gone for a week!
Klaus: too long! *he insists as he plops back in his chair*
Allison: ok! ok! so what did i miss?
Klaus: well it was pretty uneventful until a couple days ago...

Allison: and what happened a couple days ago? *she prompted him*
Klaus: oh, Five met one of my ghost friends from the 1200s and now they're dating and he can see ghosts *he nonchalantly*

Allison: WAIT WHAT?!
Five: *he makes you visible*
F+Y: WE ARE NOT DATING!! *you say in unison*

Klaus: *sitting back quite pleased with himself😌*
Ben: jesus Klaus🙄 *only you Five and Klaus can hear him*
Klaus: *clicks in his head that you're visible and it wasn't him making that happen*

Klaus: WAIT HOW?!
Ben: MAKE ME VISIBLE!! *he demanded to Klaus and Ben appears visible in the room as he does it*

*you are all yelling at once, Allison freaking out, Klaus confused, and you and Five rambling how you're not dating and just friends and so on* {we love the chaos!😄}

Ben: EVERYBODY SHUT UP!!!! *the room falls silent*
Grace: *randomly and casually walks in* welcome home Allison dear, good to see you again Ben, and y/n it's lovely to officially meet you! would anyone like cookies? (they chocolate chip)

Ben+Y/n: umm we can't so no thank you *you two smile sweetly*
Allison: sure, thank you mom
Klaus: ooo yes! i want some!
Five: sure why not
Grace: *she sets the platter of cookies down and walks out*

Part 18

*No one's POV*
{sorry this one is a little all over the place, but hey welcome to my thought process- it's random as hell😃 also this part has important info! i'm sorry in advance!}

everyone is sitting in the living room and eating cookies (except you and Ben bc y'all dead😗✌️). you and Five are sitting side by side on a couch, Allison Klaus and Ben are sitting on armchairs across from you. everyone is calming down

Y/n: what do cookies taste like? *you simply ask Five*
Five: you've never had a cookie?

Y/n: no, cookies had origins in 7th century AD Persia (the yr 601-700), that was shortly after the use of sugar became relatively common in the region. but it wasn't until the 14th century (1301-1400), that they became common throughout Europe. and chocolate chip cookies weren't invited until the 1930s and that was a little to late for me. and i wasn't allowed any "sweets" when i was a alive *you say shyly* {dats all true😅^}

Allison: woah... how do you know so much?!
Y/n: there is a lot of spare time in 800 years *you laugh embarrassed. Five sensed your discomfort and squeezed your hand*
Allison: 800 years?!

Klaus: yeah, Phantom is ancient!
Allison: your name is Phantom? *she asked confused*
Ben: let's with introductions shall we?

Y/n: ok. hi, i'm Y/n Nash and i was born in England in the year 1200. Klaus and Ben gave me the nickname Phantom, but you can call me whatever you'd like
Allison: hi y/n! i love your accent by the way! i'm Allison!

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