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"y/n do you have your things ready? austin will be here soon!" my sister yelled throughout our small house.

i closed up my one and only suitcase and grabbed my notebook,"i'm coming calm down sue! i still don't understand why we are leaving." i complained as i met her by the door.

"we have no reason to stay here. literally, it's just us, our family is dead," i gave her a small nod in agreement,"and since when do you object to more time at the dickinsons?" she asked with a smirk.

i glared at my sisters comment,"be quiet sue."

"what? you know us moving in with them will give you and emily some time to figure out whatever the hell is going on between you two."

i lightly slapped her arm,"there's nothing going on sue." my words came out a little squeakier than wanted.

she scoffed at my reaction,"whatever you say."

a small knock came from the door and i opened it to see austin,"y/n!"

"austin!" we did our handshake which we've had since we were children before i moved out of the way for sue to greet him.

"hello my love," i gagged at austin's words,"something wrong y/n?"

"yes in fact. i still find it revolting that my best friend is dating my sister."

austin looked at sue confused. he whispered but not very well,"you didn't tell her?"

i looked between the two of them,"tell me what? sue, what do you need to tell me?"

sue turned towards me,"um y/n, austin proposed."

i raised my eyebrows,"well i'm assuming you said no."

she smacked my arm,"no you idiot i said yes."

"what? no! austin you cant marry sue!"

austin sighed,"jesus you sound like emily,"he pinched the bridge of his nose,"would you mind telling me why i cant marry your sister?"

i looked between both of them flailing my arms around,"well- you know- because!"

sue crossed her arms and gave me a serious look,"because what y/n?"

"it's just weird!"

sue rolled her eyes as austin picked up her bags,"grow up y/n. austin and i are going to get married and i would really appreciate it if you would at least pretend to be happy for us."

the two started walking out towards the carriage and i just groaned as i picked up my things and dragged my feet out of the house.


we arrived at the dickinsons shortly and grabbed our things. i turned to sue before we started to walk in,"does emily know we're coming?"

"i assume so. why? are you nervous?"

"haha very funny."

we got closer to the door and for some reason i did feel nervous. i wiped my sweaty hands on my dress as austin opened the door.

we walked in and austin called out for his parents. i played with my fingers till i heard footsteps running down the stairs,"you're here!" i looked up to see emily smiling at sue. her gaze moved over to austin then to me.

her smile slowly turned into a small grin but her eyes told a story. i don't know how long we were staring at each other but after a while i felt sue jab my arm,"y/n austin's parents said hello."

i turned my attention to mr. and mrs. dickinson,"hello mr. and mrs. dickinson it's nice to see you."

emily's father scoffed and stuck out his hand for me to shake,"please y/n, you two have known us long enough you are practically family, call us edward and emily." i shook his hand and nodded with a smile. i could feel emily's eyes still on me.

austin cleared his throat behind us,"speaking of family, mom, dad, i was wondering if we could speak to you."

his parents agreed and sue and austin followed them into the dining room. emily was still standing on the stairs when i went to go walk towards her. i had just passed the entry to the parlor when i felt a force collide with me.


i looked down to see lavinia with her arms around me,"vinnie! how are you love?"

"better now that you and sue will be living with us. we can have gossip sessions every night." i laughed at her eagerness.

i heard emily cough from the stairs and we looked up at her,"vinnie, could you let go of y/n so i could say hello to her?"

vinnie realized she still had me in her hold before she let go,"sorry. well i have to go finish knitting a scarf for joseph lyman, i'll see you later." with that she happily went back to knitting.

i turned back around to be met once again with emily's gaze. i slowly started walking towards her up to the fourth step, one below hers,"hi."

she looked up at me with a small smile as she reached out to grab one of my hands. she loosely linked her fingers with mine before nodding her head towards the second floor,"come on, lets go get you settled."

i grabbed my bag before emily linked our fingers again and led us upstairs.

we walked in and she closed the door behind her. i put my things down on her trunk. when i looked up she was already looking at me with another small smile. i laughed at how cute she looked,"what? you've been staring at me since i walked through the door."

"maybe i just like looking at you."


i sat outside emily's room waiting for her to finish getting ready for another one of her fathers business parties. i fiddled with the material of my simple light blue dress before i picked up my notebook and continued a doodle from earlier in the day.

as i shaded a part of the drawing i heard her bedroom door open,"how do i look?" i put my notebook down before looking up at her.

beautiful wasn't enough. she didn't look real. she looked like something i've only seen in dreams. everything about her was beautiful. it wasn't just the fact that she had makeup on or her dress or the fact that she did her hair a different way.

it was just her.

i must have been staring for too long because she got nervous,"oh god it's terrible, i look terrible don't i?"

her words brought me back to reality,"no, god no emily you look amazing. why would you say that?"

she shrugged,"i don't know you were just looking at me."

i gave her a small smile as i walked towards her and grabbed her hands,"well, maybe i just like looking at you."


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