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no one's pov:

emily walked into edwards office and closed the door behind her. as soon as she turned around edward started yelling,"did i or did i not expressly forbid you from going to that lecture?" emily hung her head,"hm? answer me!"

emily jumped at how his voice got louder,"dad i-"

"emily this behavior is unacceptable! it's when i agreed to hire a maid, it was so you could do a bit of scribbling in your room. hm? and not so you could go gallivanting around the town of amherst dressed as a man, making a mockery of me and everything i stand for," tears threatened to fall from emily's eyes.

"what'll people say? what'll they think of us? your mother is quite unhappy with this new arrangement. if i told her to fire maggie she would do it at the drop of a hat. is that what you want?"

still avoiding eye contact emily shook her head no,"well then you need to cut of these sort of antics. here," he picked up a piece of paper,"here is a copy of my essay. i suggest you re-familiarize yourself with its contents. take it."

"dad i remember it." she finally said with a quiet voice.

"well not enough. take it." he said again.

emily took the essay and walked out of edwards office.

when y/n heard the door close she got up from her seat next to vinnie and met emily at the bottom of the stairs.

"emily," she saw her red eyes and clenched fists,"what happened?"

emily wiped the tear that fell and turned to her girlfriend,"im fine," y/n went to argue but emily put her hand up,"y/n, it's okay. i just need some time to myself. please."

y/n nodded and let her go up to her room even though she wanted nothing more than to go with her and let her cry into her shoulder.


emily sat at her desk and wiped off her face before she started writing on a piece of paper.

i have never seen volcanoes

there was a knock at the door causing her to look up,"yeah?" mrs. dickinson walked in with a disappointed look on her face,"mom i was sitting in a lecture hall. i wasn't hurting anyone." emily stressed.

mrs. dickinson stopped in front of her daughter ,"emily you need to apologize."

emily furrowed her eyebrows,"apologize? why should i have to apologize? all i wanted was to just-"

"right we'll that is just it emily. you only think about it what you want. but in this house, what matters is what your father wants," her mother explained,"look around. everything in this room, that bed, that desk you're sitting at, that pencil you're holding. he provided for you. your father has worked very hard to give us a good life. so it is my job to keep him happy. and as long as you live under this roof, it is your job too."

emily sighed,"mom if you're mad about the maid, just say so."

"no emily. because unlike you, i am not in the habit of expressing myself." mrs. dickinson walked out of the room leaving emily sitting at her desk.


shortly after her mother left there was another knock on the door,"come in."

the door opened to reveal y/n. emily sighed out of relief,"hi."

y/n walked over to emily and squatted in front of her, grabbing her hands,"wanna talk about it?"

"not really."

y/n nodded,"ok, that's fine. why don't we just go to bed then, yeah?"

emily thought for a second before looking at the girl in front of her,"you go ahead and get ready. there's something i have to do. i'll be right back." she quickly kissed y/n before walking out of the room and heading down to the kitchen.

she walked in as maggie was finishing cleaning up. when maggie turned around she jumped a little not knowing emily was there,"oh miss emily, you frightened me."

"can you teach me how to make bread?"

maggie looked at her for a second before smiling,"alrighty, roll up your sleeves."


emily successfully made a loaf of bread thanks to maggie. she put it on a plate and put it on the floor in front of the door to edwards office before knocking on the door.

she made her way back up to her room and saw y/n sitting at the desk scribbling in her notebook.


(i know the end to this chapter was kinda weird but i wanted the next scene to be it's own chapter. it'll probably be out thursday night)

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