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emily eventually came back upstairs and got in bed with me. i just looked at her as she played with my fingers.

after a few minutes i broke the silence,"you know i've really liked sleeping in your bed with you."

she let out a small laugh,"me too."

i could tell her head was in the clouds,"emily, what're you thinking about?"

she sighed and rolled over on her back,"i just can't stop thinking about pompeii. a whole city covered in ash. frozen in time. that's how i feel sometimes. like i'm frozen. like i'm...trapped."

as she spoke i could only look at her and admire her. her words were deep and meaningful. i looked at her as she talked, taking in each of her features.

after a moment i spoke again,"i think i know what a volcano feels like."

she looked at me,"you do?"

"yeah." i whispered while holding eye contact.

"show me."

i kissed her softly while one of my hands wandered around her body. slowly, my hand moved down her body. i carefully pushed the material of her nightgown up as she closed her eyes.

my hand reached where she needed me most and her small gasp made me stop,"this okay?"
she nodded and i slowly continued.


i have never seen volcanoes

but when travelers tell how those old
phlegmatic mountains usually so still

bear within - appalling ordnance, fire, and smoke, and gun

taking villages for breakfast, and appalling men


(ok ok i'm sorry this was short and sorry that i robbed you from being in depth ab that one scene. and also sorry it took me so long to get this out. anyways the next part should be put saturday if not sunday. things have started getting more busy that's why i haven't updated. anyways hope u enjoyed besties.)

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