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emily and i went through the clothes and found suits for both of us. she did my tie and i fixed her collar.

we found hats to hide our hair in and we looked in the mirror. i grabbed her hand and spun her around to look at her outfit.

we flopped down on the bed as she laughed,"we look ridiculous."

i nodded,"yeah, you'd have to be pretty stupid to fall for this."

she turned to look at me,"you thinking what i'm thinking?"

i looked back at her,"what?"

a small smile played on her lips,"boys are stupid."


we made it to the college and were walking towards the entrance when a group of boys passed us,"professor shepard said if it doesn't rain we can have class outside!"

"class outside! class outside!" the boys chanted as they ran inside. emily and i snickered at them.

we stood in front of the door looking around the campus when a voice came up behind us,"emily dickinson?"

we turned around to see george looking between us confused. emily quickly thought of something,"no, no."

george smirked,"um okay? then who are you young man?"

i looked at her waiting for her to get us out of this situation,"uh, i am...lysander periwinkle. and this here," she pointed to me,"is sir tybalt...butterfly. we are scholars of science and nature."

i nodded in agreement as george thought,"sure."

then emily broke,"ugh, we just wanna hear the lecture please don't say anything george."

he smiled,"don't worry, secrets safe with me."

emily and i both sighed in relief,"thanks george," we said together.

he started walking towards the door,"hey, hitchcocks the best. you're gonna love it. you weird, beautiful boy." with that he walked inside.

a little bit of jealousy hit when he complemented emily, causing me to clench my jaw. my eyes were glued to where he had walked away when i felt a hand on my arm.

"y/n, you okay?"

i turned to look at her. when my eyes met hers i calmed down almost immediately,"yeah, fine." i sent her a small smile.

however she read through my lie,"don't worry about george. he's an idiot. and plus,"she got closer so only i could hear her,"he can't pull off a suit like you do."


"when mount vesuvius erupted in 79 ad the city of pompeii was destroyed, buried in ash. the inhabitants of the city, their objects and possessions, were all immobilized, frozen in time. you never know when a volcano will erupt. we lived in constant danger in the laboratory. the pressure beneath us building... building. we could sense it. but we could not control it. and now, a demonstration."

emily's eyes were glued to the professor. i've never seen her so invested in something.

"would my teaching assistant george gould please join me?" george walked up to the front of the room,"mr. gould will now dazzle us with his own model volcano."

george put on his goggles and gloves,"here we have a model made of clay. i'm gonna pour in five ounces of water. one ounce of sulfuric acid. beneath the surface of placid rock lurks the seething, boiling substance known as magma. and about three-quarters of an ounce of granulated zinc." emily peered over the edge of the railing to get a better look.

hitchcock admired george's work,"ah. angry magma builds up in secret, far, far underground, until one day, out of nowhere, a sleeping mountain becomes a...," i moved my hand closer to emily's and linked our fingers together,"how can I describe this? uhhh."

"becomes a fiery beast!" emily yelled and threw hers arms up in the air causing her hat to fall and her hair to flow down her shoulders.

"hey those are girls!"

"there are girls in the lecture hall!"

with that i grabbed emily's hand as we ran out of the room. we heard the mens shouting start to muffle as we got farther away.

we found ourselves in an empty staircase and stopped. we both laughed and emily looked at me,"well at least we got to take off our corsets."

as our laughter died down i walked closer to her and placed a soft kiss on her lips,"that was definitely worth it."


we had changed back into our dresses and smiled walking all the way home.

we got inside and turned into the parlor to see lavinia knitting,"where have you been?"

i looked at emily then back at vinnie,"out."

she rolled her eyes,"yeah, but where? there was a man from the college here talking with dad. they said you name a lot."

emily became nervous,"what were they saying?"

"something about trousers and mustaches and hats. i don't know. it all sounded super hot." she said as she continued knitting.

"emily!" we heard edwards voice from his office door. emily looked at me with scared eyes and i sent her an apologetic smile.

"in." he said to her pointing into his office.

i sighed knowing he would scold her.

"wait, have i been knitting all day?" i looked over as i heard vinnies voice and saw a very long scarf along the floor.


(sorry for the hold up on this chapter, i was with family this weekend. the next chapter will pick up in edwards office)

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