Chapter 6 - The Painful Journey

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Ummmm sorry for not uploading two chapters yesterday. I was reading and playing so i kinda just didn't. Hehehe , hope you guys are ok with that.

Artemis POV

After getting myself back together I went to tell my hunters about Percy leaving. As i was walking the most sensible question finally popped up into my mind. 'How had Orion reformed so quickly?' was my question. It didn't make sense it had only been like 5 months since the war ended and I giant can't reform that fast.

It wasn't possible unless...No i can't be thinking of that surely no primordial would be rising especially since Gaia just rose.

I was interrupted from my thought when i bumped into Thalia.

"Good afternoon M'lady," Thalia said respectfully.

I nodded "Gather the hunters I...have to talk to them." Artemis said sadly.

"What's wrong M'lady?" Thalia asked worriedly.

"P-percy left...He was angry and sad that lots of hunters had died and blamed it on himself..he left and said he would be back in a century or a half." Artemis said sad tone.

Thalia looked shocked , then she started crying , not something she would usually do but I guessed Percy was basically her cousin and he had helped her and my hunters countless times from any deaths - As for some reason there was a massive increase in monsters - except this time he wasn't able to and he had left.

I put a hand on my lieutenants shoulder "he will come back don't worry." I said confidently

"I hope you right M'lady. D-do you know where he went?" Thalia asked after calming herself down and stuttering.

I frowned he hadn't told me which was strange as at least some information would make us feel better but I didn't. "No , he hadn't told me where he went." I said shaking my head sadly.

"Well I guess I should call the hunters." Thalia said running of.

Phoebe POV

I never ever in my life thought that I would be sad over a man leaving us , but that's exactly how I felt. I felt sad that Percy had left. He had saved me and all the other hunters countless times during the 2 months. There was a substantial increase in monsters and he had protected us all.

Artemis explained why percy left and that he had blamed himself. She also said that he would be back in one century or a half and I was scared. There where so many monsters that came and without Percy's help things would get a lot more difficult.

I wondered where he was going and why he wanted to go.

Percy POV

I was standing at the edge of Tartarus. Not going to lie I was terrified. The last time I went to Tartarus was with Annabeth and it wasn't voluntary. Now i'm voluntarily going into Tartarus>

I shuddered at the thought. I then walked into Tartarus. luckily I didn't have to jump and almost die. I instantly felt the acidic air , and smell of monsters. I sighed this was going to be a long and painful journey.

I was walking when I heard something from behind me I quickly turned just in time to deflect a hit from a giant. 

I couldn't remember his name but he had good sword fighting skills at least better than most giants. He had a giant spear to his back and flames on his Armour. 

That's when i realized it was enchiladas - well that's what Leo called him anyway -  we fought like this and traded blocks and strikes until I was swiping at his left leg , he blew fire at me. 

If it wasn't for my fast reflexes I probably would have been toast. I quickly rolled under the giant's legs and back stabbed him on the back.

The giant bellowed in pain and i took the opportunity to stab his leg twice.

After that the giant got down to his knees and I stabbed him in the heart.

I got up a bit tired and decided to take a break. I took out my food and some water. I sat there for 10 minutes eating and drinking. After this I was ready to go again. Again I wondered how the giants had reformed so quickly.

I decided to think about that later and set on my journey again. this time I noticed the titan Krios walking along. I decided to creep up behind him and ask him where I had to go to find the thing i'm looking for by almost killing him of course.

I sneaked up behind him and quickly stabbed him twice one the leg. this made him fall to the ground where i easily stabbed him in the chest and finally pressed riptide against his neck.

He looked shocked to say the least.

"Where can i find Tartarus!" I said calmly.

He looked shocked at first seeing that i was asking for certain death then curiosity. "why would you want to know where Tartarus is?" he asked suspiciously.

"None of your buissness , NOW TELL ME WHERE HE IS!" I shouted.

"Or else what," Krios asked raising his eyebrows.

I began boiling Krios' blood and then cooling it immediately and repeating until Krios cried out in pain.

"Fine , fine , He's everywhere as you know. If you want to summon him for some stupid reason you just have to chant Tartarus , Darkness 3 times." He cried in pain.

After that I made quick work of the titan slicing his head of.

Next I traveled a few miles to an open space but before summoning Tartarus quickly ate some more food , and drank some nectar and ate some ambrosia to be as safe as possible even though it wouldn't matter if Tartarus didn't agree to my terms .

I found the open space and chanted " Tartarus , Darkness. Tartarus , Darkness. Tartarus , Darkness." After chanting dark black some spread through the air making it even more toxic and a void of blackness appeared.

"WHO DARES CALL ME!" The void of blackness shouted.

Even though I was scared as hell I decided to try bravery and Yelled "I DARE!"

After that a man in void black clothes appeared. His muscles showing as he wore a half sleeve. He had a chiseled face and void black eyes. When he saw me his mouth turned into a big smile.

"Percy Jackson , my half grandson , what are you doing here," Without stopping he said "So I see you wish to die. Should i make it quick."  He asked sneering

"No" I said sternly

"I wish to come to your side." Percy said calmly.


Really guys , I just love cliffhangers *more evil laughter*! Hope you enjoyed the book so far...Its going to get wayyyyyy more exciting and no more cliche things sooo , get HYPED!

Also thanks to @goldenmp for voting on all my chapters! it means a lot. Also Thanks to @frigaisawsome for following me! Hope i got your name correct...

Also commenting would mean a lot to me so if you could that would be great!

Anyways Cya!

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