Chapter 1 - Shattered

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Percy POV

I woke up pretty early in the morning considering I'm not a morning person. I got dressed , brushed my teeth and walked out to go to the sea and take a dip. When i got there i saw two people on the beach kissing. I smirked at the two but when i got closer ,  saying i was shocked would have been an understatement. All i could think of was why. Why why why me. i couldn't believe my eyes , I saw Annabeth with a kid from the Aphrodite cabin. When Annabeth saw me she stuttered "H-h-hello P-percy , w-what are you doing h-here!"

 I was enraged at the sight of seeing Annabeth with some other guy after everything we had gone through together. I jumped into Tartarus , I was always protecting her willing to give up my own life countless times to protect her and all of this and she cheats on me. I said nothing and immediately ran to my cabin. On the way i realized how my fatal flaw had finally broken me. he stared up at the sky and say the sun rising and he wished that this was a dream.

With tears streaming down my eyes I pinched myself and sadly found out that I was indeed not dreaming. I sighed and was really sad but at the moment I only felt a bit of anger and a lot sadness. He didn't want to tell anyone or he would destroy Annabeth's life and he didn't want that.

Line Break

I cried on my bed for gods know how long but it felt like 3-6 hours. After that someone knocked on my cabin door and i quickly controlled the water in the pipes and made it clear my eyes. Then i said , "Come in."

I put on a smile and stood up. When i saw it was Annabeth , My face quickly  turned into rage."WHAT THE HECK DO YOU WANT ANNABETH!"I shouted."U-umm its not what you-" She tried to say but percy quickly cut her off."Really BECAUSE I THINK CHEATING ON ME AFTER ALL THAT I HAVE DONE FOR YOU IS-you know what , you don't even deserve to talk to me now" He said in a deadly calm tone. 

"NOW GET OUT!" Percy Shouted with anger and slammed the door shut. He heard Annabeth crying outside and finally heard Annabeth going to her cabin. 

He knew he couldn't tell anyone except his parents and the gods. After a while he packed up a some of his clothes , headed out and grabbed some food and water. Then he went to Chiron and knocked on the door. 

A few moments later Chiron came out smiling but his smile quickly vanished as he saw Percy's sad look. "Whats wrong Percy," Chiron asked. "Chiron I will be leaving camp for a few months , something terrible has happened and i cant tell anyone because i don't want to put anyone through so much stress." Percy replied. 

Chiron face turned from worried to sad really fast but nodded glumly. "I see ,  but percy please remember to visit or Iris message me." Chiron said. "Thanks for understanding Chiron your the best teacher." Percy replied with a sad smile before hugging his mentor.

Line Break

Percy went to his mom's place and knocked on the door. He was greeted by his mom who gave him a big hug. He couldn't help but smile when he smelled his favourite food , BLUE COOKIES!

"Hello mom," Percy said With a smile on his face. Percy went inside and sat on a chair near the kitchen and felt sad again when thinking of Annabeth. "Mom i have something to tell you..." percy said wistfully."What is it," His mom asked concerned. "A-annabeth...s-she cheated on me." Percy finally stuttered out.

Third Person POV

His mom looked depressed before quickly hugging her son tightly as he cried on his mom's shoulders. 

After a few moments Percy pulled back. "Mom I'm going to be leaving camp for a few months or so to hopefully clear my mind." He said sadly. His mom quickly nodded and she went to the kitchen and brought the cookies. Even after his sad mood a second ago he quickly brightened up and smiled at his mom. "Thanks a lot mom," He said as he quickly took 3 cookies and gobbled them down.

Percy POV

The cookies where godly , I thought as he munched on them. After explaining things a bit more to my mom I kissed my mom on the cheek and headed out.

Line Break

Percy decided that it was time that he went to Olympus. He was really frustrated at the moment and when he entered the empire sate building "600th floor key please." percy said glumly. He got the key and quickly went into the elevator trying to ignore the heartbreak and of course the irresistible elevator music.

When he reached the throne room he opened the door and went to the middle and stared at the all the thrones and saw that no one other than Hestia was there. He looked at Hestia and asked her to call a meeting. Hestia smiled warmly and nodded. In a matter of seconds all the gods appeared including Hades and Hestia as he had given them their throne after the first war when he got offered immortality or a wish.

All of the Gods looked at percy some irritated some confused. "What do you want percy," Zeus asked confused. Percy bowed and knelt in the middle of the throne room facing Zeus. "Today my fatal flaw finally broke me," Percy he said with a emotionless look on his face.

Thank You SOO much @Gordo_da_leitura for voting!

Anyway Cya!

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