Chapter 7 - The Torture

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Percy POV

"WHAT" Tartarus asked his eyes widening. Then he eyed me suspiciously. "Why would you want to join my side," Tartarus asked me.

"The gods keep on using me and Aphrodite is playing with my love life and a lot of other things as well." I half lied.

"Well , well , well, you finally understand that the gods are bad and us taking over would be better." Tartarus said.

Percy nodded. "But tell me Perceus , why should i not just kill you right now." Tartarus said.

"Because i'm powerful and if you train me I can be a helpful when you go to take down Olympus." I said looking at the ground.

"But I don't need you to win another war , I have an ally that will easily kill all the olympians within minutes." Tartarus said a smile forming on his lips.

"I want power. you can do anything you want to get me power even torture me but not by killing me and in return I will aid you and stay loyal to you." I lied again. I was the god of loyalty but i would never be loyal to my enemy so that didn't interfere with my domains.

"Well then , I suppose , but remember I am only doing this cause i can have some fun and torture you." Tartarus said winking.

I internally groaned. This isn't gonna go well I realized.

Tartarus instantly teleported us to an even flatter area with a big glass wall full of sharp and pointy glass sticking out.

"Your immortal right." He asked. "Yes..." I said wincing when I saw the wall.

"Now get ready...I want to see how much you can endure...And after that , you will receive some blessings from me to make you more powerful." He said grinning.

Instantly without warning he pushed me against the glass wall. I screamed in pain as the glass pierced completely through my body barely missing my heart and golden ichor started seeping through from the holes in my body.

I was screaming my lungs out from the pain and Tartarus summoned a pitch black sword and drove it about 10 times into my body. 

I was crying so hard and then suddenly , I was released.

I fell face first into more glass and howled in pain again.

"Your'e tough , but if you want to fight alongside me , you need to be better." Tartarus simply stated.

I glared at him "I was suffering in pain about to die and you say that!" I coughed out


"W-whats next." I stuttered out coughing out ichor.

"Fighting...2 giants." Tartarus said smirking

After saying that he Instantly healed me.

"What!" I said , my eyes widening in shock. 1 giant was hard and two seemed impossible.

Tartarus snapped and Porphyrion and Enchiladas appeared.

They instantly saw Tartarus and bowed deeply " Father," both of them said together.

"Rise , you will both have to fight Percy over here but not kill him. Hurt him as much as you want though. He has officially joined our side." Tartarus said with a glint of mischief in his eyes

"My chance to get revenge," Enchiladas muttered under his breath.

I stared at them with fear and gulped.

Porphyrion instantly charged me and Enchiladas blew fire at me.

I instantly side stepped the fire and raised my sword to deflect Porphyrion's strike. 

Surprisingly I was able to parry Porhyrion while dodging Enchiladas fire breath for a bit and even manage to get a few hits in myself on Porphyrion. 

That lasted about a minute and then I was kicked hard on the chest and breathed fire at.

The pain was nothing at the start , and all I felt was coldness...Then in about a second my body super heated and blisters and cracks in my skin formed everywhere. 

I yelped as the burning sensation was too much to comprehend.

Some how my clothes didn't burn but i was in so much pain and shock that I couldn't think properly much less move when Porhyrion repeatedly stabbed my all over my body.

I screamed in pain and I was given no mercy by the giants. They both repeatedly stabbed me and i had about 100 deep cuts and gashes in my body.

Finally Tartarus yelled "ENOUGH!" and both of them stopped grinning satisfied of what they had done.

I muttered some not so nice words under my breath that they couldn't hear.

I was instantly healed like before and Tartarus then told the giants to repeat the process 9 more times.

I groaned and said why me in my mind. My self consciousness being the best self consciousness said 'Well duh...It's obvious...You asked for this dummy!'

"Shut up," I said irritated


"S-sorry i was talking to myself." I stuttered afraid of making Tartarus mad as he would probably change the number from 10 - 100. I winced at the though.

"Hmm...Whatever onward with the training." He commanded.

Basically the same things happened except for how i get put into a bad situation and the method of torture the giants used.

After the 'Training' was over I sighed relieved then realized...'you know what I told myself don't say it!' I told myself in my brain.

The training lasted about a day basically. As the last 5 rounds of fights was insanely long...well at least the torture was.

Anyway after that , for me the most exciting part happened Tartarus teleported the giants somewhere else and decided it was time to bless me.

"It's the time to bless you , I will grant you powers and some abilities," He said in a serious tone.

"Remember this Perceus ,  I have never once in my life have blessed anyone and i'm going to bless you..." He continued.

I nodded my head in understanding.

"I can also grant you more resistance to any form of attack and a tiny bit more raw strength seeing as you are already the god of strength." He stated.

A small  black light enveloped me and I felt a bit less vulnerable and I guess strong but I couldn't feel that and would only be able to feel that in battle.

"Thank you," I said bowing as respect would be good seeing as I would be stuck with him for a century and it would be less likely for him to not kill me if I respect him.

"Perceus Jackson I Grant you my Blessing...

To be continued


Um ya sorry!

In reallity i love you guys and appreciate that you guys are voting commenting and just trying out my books o thanks!

Also thanks @anshul099 and @goldenmp for voting on the chapters! I really appreciate it!

Umm please forgive me i'm too lazy and its already night time ill update tomorrow for sure!

Nothing else to say so , Cya!

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