Chapter 9 - Tartarus' Blessings

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Percy POV

"Percy Jackson , I grant you my blessings..." He said in a calm tone.

"Number one , You will now be able to Void Teleport also know as VTP. What this is makes  it so you don't make a big flash and others won't notice making you stealthier. You will disappear and instantly reappear where you want to in a nano second." He said.

"Number two I will also add to your domains making you more powerful." He said in a serious tone.

"Is that even possible?" I inquired.

"Yes , I now add to your domains as God of Destruction and God of the void giving you more powers that are void related." He said and right as that was finished three old ladies appeared.

"God of Heroes will also be given as another domain." The three faiths chanted in unison.

Tartarus growled but shrugged it of.

I was so scared that the faiths might tell the Olympians then realized that they can't and might even know my reasons , I thought , calming myself down.

"Now onwards , Number three you will be able to heal people with dark magic...though since its dark magic the damage they take will go to you instantly curing them and you will feel the pain instead." He said seriously.

I nodded for him to continue.

"Number four , You will be able to summon a warrior purely made from the void...After all your training giants titans and monsters will be a piece of cake as they say these days , so , I have given you a warrior to train with. He cannot fight battles  and only train with you...He can do passive things though." Tartarus explained.

I was delighted by the fact that titans and giants would become a piece of cake to defeat by the end of this. Though I realized that meant more torture...Sigh.

"Number five and the last one...." Tartarus said hesitantly.

I raised my eyebrow.

"I-i haven't gave this power to anyone and it's really dangerous as well as powerful...The only downside is that practically no person can handle this power and gets...Out of control lets say...And that causes very bad things to happen." He said stuttering at the start.

"So why are you giving it to me?" I asked curious

He had something in his eyes that looked like respect.

"This power can only be used by others..I would be able to use it easily if I got it , of course." He said bragging.

"Ok , so what is it?" I Asked eagerly.

"The name of this power is called Dark Void. It makes you not able to control your self and you would get insane power but practically instantly die to recklessness or die due to the strength , focus  and willpower , it requires , to control." He stated seriously.

"So you think I can control it?" I inquired.

Tartarus threw back his head and laughed loudly.

"Of course not , it would require decades of practice to just be able to control it for a minute." Tartarus said smiling.

"Oh." Was all that my reply was.

"Now to activate the power all you have to say is , 'DARKNESS ARISE'! and after that you will be engulfed in a void black shadow of flame and darkness. Your sword will also be engulfed in this shadowy flame." Tartarus said delighted by the fact that I would be a test subject to test this new power that apparently no one except me could control as it took lots of strength , focus and willpower.

Of course...Sigh.

Tartarus summoned 3 giants and i almost fainted. WHAT THE HECK WAS HE THINKING! Even with these new sick powers - and no the powers don't have Covid! - I still didn't think this would be posssible.

"Percy first fight them without using the Dark Void , and if you struggle , use it!" He said excitedly.

I sighed and nodded.

This time there was enchiladas Porphyrion and Orion! AHHH NOT HIM AGAIN! I'm dead i thought.

The battle started of pretty good , I had dodged a strike for Porphyrion , rolling under his legs and stabbing him on the back ( It always worked ) then back flipping into a roll backwards to avoid the fire breath that got me to the same position I started in but Porphyrion had a gash on his leg.

I then sliced 5 arrows that Orion had shot using a bit of my time powers to slow them. I then quickly proceeded to Void Teleport and stabbed Enchiladas twice before VTPing back to my original spot.

This confused the giants a lot ,they stood there stunned and I smirked and charged Orion using their confusion to my advantage. I quickly proceeded to stab Orion in the gut just to fail as all three giants hit me.

I was knocked onto the ground and I thought it was over but i quickly remembered the last blessing Tartarus gave me Dark Void...

"DARKNESS ARISE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and I was quickly engulfed in a Void black shadowy fire , along with my sword riptide. I instantly lost control of my body and I saw everything in red and black.

I charged all three giants at once slashing and parring them all using my Void powers to throw energy balls and using my power over time to stop them from even being able to touch me. I felt powerful...I wanted more!

I couldn't do anything except watch. Those thoughts weren't mine but i couldn't do anything about it. All i did was keep on attacking , defending and getting stronger by the second. 

I finished off the last giant with a quick blow to the face from my fully Pitch , Void black sword that was engulfed in a shadowy fire. After i was done I went for the next closest target. Tartarus.

I thought 'Oh no' and i charged Tartarus not being able to do anything about it. The thing is even with that much power Tartarus simply side stepped blocked and attacked me at the same time.

He easily destroyed me and I tried to get back up but he put a hand to my head and the shadowy flame and me not being able to control myself quickly vanished.

Right after i processed that i could control my body again I blacked out.

HEHHEHEHE Another cliff hanger...Not really actually since i'm writing at least two chapters (and maybe even three) today since i couldn't upload yesterday...

Anyway thanks for giving my book a try and voting and commenting , I really do appreciate it!
Also Thanks to @Anshul099 And @goldenmp

That's it I guess sooo 


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