author's note | table of contents

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Before you read, I will just give a few reminders.

Disclaimers and notes:
1st, I have no idea how Love or Host works, and I wrote this based on mere assumption after viewing a few episodes.

2nd, because I am relatively new to the fandom/community, the characters may not be accurately portrayed. The story is also set in the future so, I guess, they will be a little different.

3rd, I did not write this to offend, insult, or upset anyone or any of the members of the Dream SMP. Quackity has just been a real comfort YouTuber for me lately and this plot idea popped in my head -what if a 'boring' wild card joins his Love or Host? If I cross the line on the content creators' set boundaries, feel free to inform me, I would really appreciate it. I think this will be kinda different from the fictions you'd find here because the main character is a non-streamer.

4th, this is not an 'x reader' but we are free to pretend it is because don't we all want a little fluff with Big Q (😉), we do not judge here (😘). But if you don't like reading 'non-x readears,' feel free to click out (though I do hope you give this a chance).

5th, I also do not speak Spanish so if I ever do write any sentence in Spanish (I am sorry, I am just gonna apologize in advance for everything that goes wrong XD).

6th, the main character here is a doctor and I am not (so sad, I know) so some of the medical-related segments may be incorrect (feel free to correct me on these too).

7th, I know my humor is not something everybody can relate to, so I'm sorry. I'm not updated on what's generally going on with the world or social media if I have to be honest soooooo :]

8th, English is not my first language but I welcome grammar corrections, construction, spelling, and word choice suggestions. This also includes creative criticism (but please be nice to me, I take them well as long as you're not being mean about it).

9th, I am in college so updates will depend entirely on how much I can free from my messy schedule. Bear with me please. Updates will usually be on Saturday but could be erratic if my teachers decide to, you know what I mean.

10th, this is a free space so express yourselves. I love reading comments (talk with me 🥺). I'm Code, nice to meet you!

Thank you for reading my very long and very boring intro, you may now proceed.

Table of Contents
uno love or host
dos love or host (pt. 2)
tres love or host (pt. 3)
cuatro love or host (pt. 4)
cinco love or host (pt. 5)

eis friendship
siete meanwhile 🦆
ocho meanwhile (pt. 2) 🦆
nueve he's being weird
diez he's being weird (pt.
once opening up 🦆
doce touching
trece the apology
catorce the apology (pt. 2) 🦆
quince meetup
dieciséis meetup (pt. 2)
diecisiete meetup (pt. 3)
dieciocho meetup (pt. 4)
diecinueve rumors 🦆
veinte exes and broken
veintiuno sick
veintidós his house
veintitrés penis 101
veinticuatro in a year
veinticinco in a year (pt. 2)
veintiséis love advice 🦆
veintisiete dream team
veintiocho hungover 🦆
veintinueve george (not
treinta always

treinta y uno cheated
treinta y dos wine stream
treinta y tres wine stream (pt. 2)
treinta y cuatro trending
treinta y cinco trending (pt. 2)
treinta y seis end
special post-end drabbles
special drabble (pt. 2) +

🦆 denotes Alex's perspective

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