forty six

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private dms, louis and niall

louist91: niall, you and I have a problem

niallhoran: what is it

louist91: why did you think it was a good idea to start a drinking game with Harry directly before finals week

niallhoran: okay in my defense, he was very enthusiastic about it

louist91: yeah but apparently it ended in him passed out on his front porch, and then a massive hangover this morning

niallhoran: he's a big boy, he can handle his liquor

louist91: you're missing my point

niallhoran: which is what, exactly?

louist91: just that he's already really stressed, even though he hasn't mentioned it much, and I don't want him doing anything that'll make it worse
louist91: I made that mistake my last year and nearly missed half my exams

niallhoran: well, I'm pretty sure he's got it all under control, but I'll keep an eye on him
niallhoran: I'm glad he's got someone else looking out for him though
niallhoran: and I'm happy it's you
niallhoran: he seems to be really fond of you

louist91: I've gotta say, I'm pretty damn fond of him too
louist91: and thank you for making sure he's alright. I know it's not really my place to demand that, considering I barely know you, but I'm happy he's got someone like you as a friend

niallhoran: thanks mate :)
niallhoran: sort of unrelated, but when you visit H, don't forget to make him introduce us
niallhoran: I want to meet the man the myth the legend in person

louist91: "the man, the myth, the legend", really ?

niallhoran: oh you think I'm exaggerating?
niallhoran: he doesn't ever shut up about louis this and louis that and oh louis would like this
niallhoran: it would be annoying if it wasn't so sweet

louist91: he's not real. he literally cannot be. I think the first thing I'll have to do when I visit is poke him to make sure he's actually there

niallhoran: you guys are so cute

louist91: what ?

niallhoran: you both absolutely adore each other and it's incredible to hear about it from both sides at once

louist91: does he really talk about me that much ?

niallhoran: always
niallhoran: it seems like you make him really happy, so whatever you're doing, keep it up

louist91: I will :) thanks ni

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