Louis is 20 years old to Harry's 18. Louis mistakenly messages Harry on Instagram, and they quickly form a connection over being complete idiots.
louist91: you're Harry Sawyer, right?
harrystyles: ...no.
harrystyles: It literally says my last...
harrystyles: Louis harrystyles: I painted my nails yesterday
louist91: oooh what color
harrystyles: Red again harrystyles: Wanna see?
louist91: red is a wonderful choice louist91: and absolutely
harrystyles: Okay I can't take a good picture now because my hands are full and I'm actually doing voice-to-text right now, but here's one from last night harrystyles:
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louist91: a) they look amazing, and b) is that a mic in your hand ?????
harrystyles: Oh yeah I went out with Niall and a couple of his friends to a karaoke bar
louist91: and here I thought you couldn't get any more perfect louist91: you literally do karaoke I can't handle this louist91: next you're gonna tell me you play footie
harrystyles: ...I actually do sometimes, but I'm not very good
louist91: you're joking
harrystyles: I am entirely serious
louist91: I think I might actually have a stroke louist91: how are we friends louist91: im a chronically stressed uni student and youre a legitimate angel
harrystyles: I am definitely not
louist91: agree to disagree because you definitely are
harrystyles: Yeah yeah whatever
louist91: hey curly louist91: 18 days louist91: one day for every year of your life louist91: that sounded dramatic
harrystyles: It was, but I appreciate it harrystyles: excited to see you so soon though