✦ chapter one

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she told me to take the whole world by the throat
boy, you have something no one else has got, you've got that perfect smile that makes the boys and girls run for miles woman on the hills, isaac dunbar

❛she told me to take the whole world by the throatboy, you have something no one else has got, you've got that perfect smile that makes the boys and girls run for miles ❜ — woman on the hills, isaac dunbar

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YOU RUBBED YOUR eyes yet that only blanked out your vision for a few seconds. The cold sweat lingered within your body nastily, and you could be grateful that the shallow feeling of nausea hadn't attacked you fully.

"Nee-chan...did you have a nightmare?" The boy worriedly stared up at you. All you could do is examine the boy's features with scarce dread.  He almost reminded you of how you looked as a kid, but a male version. You weren't sure if it astonished or frightened you. You managed to swallow, but it didn't do any good to ease the lump in your throat. You exhaled out, shoulders trembling.

"...Uhm..!" You blinked, "...wait...what did you just call me?" You blinked again. The small child puffed a cheek out and furrowed his brows.

"Nee-chan! Can i not call you that anymore?"

You scratched your head, lips parted. The same wintry, hollow shiver ran down your spine. It couldn't be the regular shivers down your spine you'd get when you're excited. It weirded you out to a fault. You have never seen this boy in your life before. It's only natural that you'd be on the verge of passing out. It didn't feel like you were dreaming at all, either. You were wide awake as far as you can tell. It's exactly that what you're fearing.

"N-no...I'm sorry. I'm just...a little-" "nervous?" Your supposedly 'little brother' smiled widely. Before you could respond, the child grabbed one of your hands and tugged on it softly. "Don't worry. I will hold your hand when you walk to work so you won't feel scared!"

"Uh...thanks?" With the fair amount of courage you found, you brought your hand up to the top of his hair and ruffled it. You gulp at how intrinsic his [h/c] felt between your shaky fingers.  "N-now, come on. let's go eat breakfast....?"

"Okay!" With that, the boy hopped off your bed and ran out your room. Time seemed to go slower than usual. It could be that you were still comprehending your situation. Your clothes were still here, in your closet in the neatest order, and your shoes too, but they were all marked with different brand names that you've never heard of. Everything accessory-wise was in place except for your school uniform. The remembrance of the little boy mentioning work instead of school rushed into your mind, bringing only discomfort.

"What's this?" A post it note rested atop a specifically coordinated outfit that stuck out than the other clothes. You stood in front of it: reading the note out loud that soon drew your voice calm. 'here is the outfit i picked out for you for your first day of work! i hope it reaches your expectations! -mom.'. You eyed the outfit up and down with unfamiliarity. Yet within you, there was a faint appreciation. Your mom never bothered to help you coordinate outfits ever since you entered high school.

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