Chapter 1

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"Pleeaaase Stan?" Mabel begged.

"No! Mabel, I have to kill it! I don't like it any more than you, but he has to go!" Stan yelled, pointing to the girl's undead brother.

Dipper sat there, mindlessly chewing a pen out of habit.

"See? He's chewing a pen, he's nervous." Mabel said, gesturing to the zombie that sat in Stan's chair.

"Mabel, he isn't your brother, this is a mindless, and contagious monster!" Stan yelled.

"You just don't like because he's sick!" Mabel yelled back. "Come on Dip." Mabel waved her hand in front of the zombie and it dropped the pen, moaning as it slowly chased Mabel upstairs.

Stan sighed. "She can take care of herself... but what am I going to tell their parents?"

Mabel sat on her bed. She leaned back as her brother reached to scratch her face. "Hey." Mabel said sternly. She pointed to Dipper's bed, snapping. "Go sit on your own bed, Bro."

The moaning boy turned to his bed and fell on it.

"Heh, you almost scratched me there Dip... I wonder..." Mabel got up and put her head into the hallway. "Stan! Do you think zombinism is contagious through scratching?!" She yelled.

"Only if it breaks through the skin!" A scruffy voice replied.

Mabel turned back into the room to see her lifeless-looking brother. He put a hand on her her shoulder and smiled. She could've sworn her pupils dilated. "Bro!" She hugged his cold body. He hugged her back.

... But within a few seconds she felt him pull her hair. She immediately pulled him off before he could take a chunk of her off.

He chased after her, his hands reaching mindlessly for her. He groaned as he tried to grab her. She stared at him with worry, and fear in her dark brown eyes. She grabbed a golf club and held him back with it. as he mindlessly reached for her.

She sighed in relief. "Getting kinda grabby there, eh Dip? Maybe I can knit ya a sweater for that?" She smiled.

Her brother stopped reaching for her and nodded robotically.

"Back to bed." She snapped her fingers towards the bed. Dipper stumbled into his bed. "I'll be back in a few hours with your sweater dipping sauce." She winked and pointed at him as she locked him in.

"Mabel!" She heard the zombie wheeze. The voice was terrifying. It was still his, but echoey. It had a pain filled echo.

He remembered her name. "Dipper, it will only be a few hours, kay?"

Dipper moaned as he banged on the door. "Mabel" He wheezed quietly.

"Heh, I'll b r b, don't go nowhere!" She smiled. She went downstairs and grabbed her knitting supplies. She hugged her pet pig, Waddles. "Good thing you weren't around when Dipper raised the dead... I mean, it was the one thing I told him not to do! What a goof." She laughed half-heartedly as her pig oinked.

"It's still Dipper, I'll show everyone he'll accept my gift and they'll see." She said, using a white colored wool. "They'll see."

Stan sighed as he heard Mabel talk to herself in the other room... technically to her pig, but still. She was heart broken. How was he supposed to separate them? He's not heartless.

He went outside the closed shack to speak with the construction guys. Maybe she'll come around.

My Undead Brobro [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now