Chapter 12

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"I can't believe you!" Mabel threw her arms up at her brother while he sat in a kitchen chair, looking as guilty as ever. She grabbed a medicine bowl from Wendy and ground the paste up. "You couldn't at least just stay put?"

"Mabel, dude, calm down. We'll heal em up and we can do all that stuff you imagined." Wendy said.

Mabel calmed and smiled. "You're right. I've just been so stressed lately, guess I forgot how to think positive for a second." Dipper groaned and she sighed. "Think this is good?" She lifted the paste to Wendy's face.

The red head shrugged. "Probably."

"I like those odds." Mabel smiled and scampered towards a drawer. She grabbed a spoon and scooped up a big portion of the medicine. She held it up to her brother's face.

She did an opening and closing motion with her mouth, just like she did with some oatmeal a few days ago. He mimicked her action with the spoon and gulped down the antidote. "Was he supposed to eat it? I thought perceptshroom was poisonous to humans."

Mabel froze, still smiling but expression turning concerned. "We'll fix it."

"It'll be fine." Stan said as he entered the kitchen. "Just don't give 'em any more."

"Yo, Mr.Pines, since when are you a medic?" Wendy asked, raising an eyebrow.

Stan huffed. "I've had my experiences. Prison stabbings, etc. You could say I've gotten mixed up in these situations multiple times. Gotta learn to heal." He took a sip of his coffee, avoiding the girl's attempt at eye contact.

Across the kitchen table a tattooed man coughed. "... you said I was infected?"

Mabel smiled. "Oh yeah!" She slapped some goop on his wound and started to push him out.

Stan blocked the exit. " $50."

The man frowned, and reluctantly handed him a few bills. The family waved as he left. "Have a fun day!"

- "I can't feel anything." A few sniffs and a gag. "Gross, is that me?"

- "Dude, no way! It worked. I thought you'd be zombied for like ever, man."

Mabel gasped and pressed her cheeks. "Dipper!" She yelled, running into the kitchen and hugging her brother, squealing louder than a dying pig. Dipper cringed, but hugged back. "You're such a dummy."

Dipper pursed his lips in confusion. "Why, exactly? Also, what happened to the party?" He frowned. "Did you spike the punch with Smile Dip again?"

Mabel shook her head, not letting go of her brother. "No, stupid." She said without a single hint of malice in her voice.

He made his frowny concentration face. "The Corncornos?"

"No, a zombie got you! You were a zombie!" Mabel said loudly. Dipper's look of surprise met both Wendy's and Stan's faces.

Dipper pushed his sister off and hissed. "Sorry, it's just..." He touched his arm and grunted. "Really hurts."

Stan huffed. "Put the rest of that goop on his wounds."

Mabel did as directed and his wounds began scarring. "So, wait... I was a zombie?"

"Yeah, dude, you were trying to eat people and crud." Wendy responded.

Mabel rubbed her arm. "Actually, you did eat a few people..."

Dipper shivered. "Can I shower?"

"Yeah, man. Go for it." Wendy smiled.

Dipper looked to his feet as he walked to the upstairs bathroom. He looked at his trembling hands. He did remember. He looked in the mirror and seen blood smeared on his face the others seemed to ignore. A bit hesitantly, he flicked his tongue out. He'd never forget how disgusting being a zombie was. The tastes he'd acquired. It sucked.

Stay tuned for an alternative ending! :D

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