Chapter 10

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Art is not mine. Found on Google. Amazing pic. I also feel like something's off... might be the pacing. Sorry.

The attic closet opened by itself and the girls shared worried expressions. A poof of pink cloud spread around the room, similar to a thick fog. "I am Tad." A voice boomed. "Invisible wizard of the attic and seer of all that occurs... in the attic."

Mabel let out a shreik. "You watch me change?! I just made you up to explain Dipper's stupid shrinky dink doo dad!"

The fog cleared and the wizard was covered in the pink powder, now visible to all. "No! No, oh gods no." The wizard replied, with a noise with disgust.

Wendy stared at the bearded mage. "Who's this dork?"

"Dork? I am not so, I am the youngest one's healer!" He said, bringing out a piece of lined paper. "I have demanded a cure from the forest and they have delivered!" He declared.

"My uncle is a professional conman." She squinted her eyes, unimpressed. "What's the catch?"

"Ah, yes. Indeed. The catch is that it's a paste and I carry not the right ingredients." Tad said, waving a finger. "Venture lonesome with me and we shall cure thy brother."

The girls looked at eachother. There was no way either of them would be going anywhere with this nut alone. Stan would be proud of what they had in store.

Mabel shot her grappling hook and the unfortunate wizard was tangled in what she liked to call the 'ropey part'. He was kicked and flat out robbed by the girls. Once they took the jewelry off the wizard, it became visible.

"Mabel, does this seem... wrong?" Wendy asked, while taking a few of his 'mystic charms'.

Mabel waved her hand. "Like Stan always says, nothing's a crime when there's no police around!" She smiled and grabbed the lined paper off the ground, along with a loose journal page. "No wonder dips was freaking out. It's his page!" She showed her the stolen page, an illustration of a zombie smack in the middle. "We could probably find these ingredient doodads in the journal."

"Sweet, man. We could take dips on a mystery hunt again. Speaking of the zombie, 'should probably check on him." Wendy said, inspecting one of the wizard's rings. "Hey! I thought I lost this, like a month ago."

"Is this my necklace?" Mabel asked, inspecting the old piece of jewelry. Tad groaned. "Now you're definitely going to stan!"

The girls gave the wizard to Stan, explained a little bit, got praised and watched the wizard get stuffed into a clear box that read "Invisible Wizard: It's real!"

Mabel sighed. "Okay, let's see how my bro is doing." She giggled when she entered the kitchen. Dipper was rolling on the floor, still chained up. The scarf was long forgotten, chewed through and fallen to the floor. He grinded his teeth on the chain. "Geez, don't break your teeth, dummy."

"Yeah dude, you'll need them for when we heal you up." Wendy said, earning an interested grunt from the zombie.

Mabel smiled. "You can come with us, on the quest I dub: The Quest to Heal Dipper!"

With a loud snap and crack, the chain busted along with most of Dipper's teeth. Mabel hissed at the sight. A few teeth fell out, a few were chipped and most were cracked. All were painted with a mixture of maroon and crimson colors.

She shivered when he started loosening his chains and squirming out of his restraints. Wendy was silent until Dipper got up to inspect the opossum's cage. "... Maybe Stan should take care of him."

"Nah, he's just excited" Mabel said, smiling nervously. She flinched when Dipper ripped open the cage with his bare hands and devoured the creatures inside. He didn't bother to take the cage off his hand before limping towards his friends. Mabel stood silent, for a few seconds, wide-eyed. "Dipper?"

Wendy started guiding her backwards to the exit. "Mabel? I don't think your brother's in a talking mood."

Dipper's body leaned forward and he toppled over. Mabel sighed in relief. "Yeah. Maybe we could put him in Soos' break room."

Wendy scratched the back of her neck. "I dunno... shouldn't we respect the dead? I mean, I just don't want a repeat of the dusk 'till dawn."

"It's for the best. If Soos is still around somehow in ghost form... he'll be okay with it. He was always about the greater good." Mabel jumped backwards and yelped when she felt something graze her leg. It was just Dipper... dragging himself on the floor. With just a bit of blood. Just a bit. Kinda. No, not really. He was soaking.

He continued reaching for her, and she kept stepping back. He shook off the cage and clawed at the floor. Wendy had an idea. "Dude, what if we just lead him to the room?"

Mabel snapped and pointed to Wendy. "I like how you're thinking." She waved her hand in front of Dipper and he tried to grab and bite at it.

Wendy raised an eyebrow. "Dude, what are we going to do about his injuries? Won't that be... like, painful when he wakes up? What if it's to late and-"

Mabel shushed her softly. "We'll get there when we get there. Trust me, as the one who's been looking after him, I think he'll be alright." They got into the room and Mabel quickly stepped past him and got out, locking the door. "Love ya bro."

"Rav rude bru, rarrel." Dipper moaned, his voice was raspy and sounded sad. Mabel took a breath and started walking out with Wendy. Stan wss sitting on the front porch with a Pitt Cola.

"Hi Grunkle Stan, Dipper's locked in Soos's break room. We're going to go find a cure and get him healed!" She held up the journal.

"Dude, when'd you get that?"

"He dropped it when he was dragging himself around. I just picked it up."

Stan sighed. "Don't go anywhere too dangerous yada yada, and stay out of trouble."

"You got it, Stan." Mabel smiled. She was finally going to get her brother back.

Dipper, or his corpse, watched the girls leave from the break room window. He looked back to the door and jiggled the knob violently. No dice. He glared at the window, picking up a snow globe. He used it to punch through and climb out. His eyes locked towards the girls and he started limping. He stopped and turned his head to a group of tourists looking so see if the closed shack was open or had any times on it.

He coughed a bit of blood and stood up straight, forcefully putting his ankle back into place with an awful crunch. "Raddas rend drenralen, brerold rah rymery rask. Frer roo frill ree rorers raer breror reen ry rhuran ries."

The tourists squinted at the zombie. One spoke up. "D'aww he's a zombie with a speaking problem" they made a smacking noise "Isn't that cute?"

"Ohh, I get it. That's why he was talking about human fries." Another spoke. All the tourists agreed.

Dipper, waving his hands in the air to get their attention, led them into the shack. Past the giftshop and into Soos' break room of which he was able to get the key to. He locked the door, so it was just the highly intelligent zombie with his victims. Dipper smiled excitedly.

Wendy stopped in her tracks and looked back. "Think Stan'll be alright? I mean, Dip's pretty smart."

Mabel dismissed it. "He'll be fine, how much trouble can Dipper even get in from that room?"

Wendy nodded and they continued walking. "True."

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