Chapter 11

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Did not draw picture, found it using google. Next chapter should be posted in the next 12 hours. Only 1 or 2 chapters left!

Despite the loud screaming and shrieks behind him in the shack, Stan slept like a rock. Completely oblivious to the happenings in his tourist trap home, he slept. Dipper, however got a feast and a few new friends. Let's just say 'tourist trap' lived up to it's name.

"How long do you this it'll be till we find this brain mushroom thingy?" Mabel asked, smiling as she kept her balance on a fallen log. Her arms spread out like a bird to "increase chances of flight".

Both girls brought their own backpacks, Mabel's was a sparkly purple with the most adorable kitty face (ever) and Wendy's was a bold, almost beautiful brown. Although the older of the two was sure they'd only need one portion, Mabel insisted on getting double the recipe.

Wendy squinted at journal 3, trying to read the name on the page. "Persh, Percesh, Perceptshroom. Not long, we're here, dude." Wendy pointed to the shady ground next to a tree with a big canopy.

Mabel jumped from the log and crossed another item off their shopping list. "Sparkly." She commented in a gasp like tone. The girls plucked one mushroom each and tossed it into their bags.

"Rrrreeeeeemmmppp rrrrreeeeei." Both Mabel and Wendy whipped their heads frantically, looking for the source of the moan in the shrubs and trees. More specifically, Dipper.

"...Dipper?" Wendy called.

Mabel shook her head slowly with wide eyes. She slapped Wendy multiple times trying to get her attention.

Wendy froze. "When did..." She started leading Mabel backwards. "Since when are there other zombies?"

The turned zombie groaned. It wasn't super old and completely dead like the ones Dipper summoned, it looked like Soos did when he was first turned. "Wendy, this is bad. Like, really really really bad."

Wendy pulled Mabel along to their next stop, away from any other undead inconveniences. "Just ignore them for now. If we find anymore, we'll tell Stan."

Mabel sighed and put a hand to her head, looking down shamefully. "Wendy, I goofed up. I guaranteed Dipper he'd be safe and I'd get him back but... Chances are he got out with his dumb smart zombie brain."

Wendy scraped some red healing moss off a tree and into her bag. "Naw, man. We'll get him healed up, and hey." She paused. "If there is a zombie apocalypse, you'll have eachother. So don't worry, man."

Mabel smiled. "Thanks." There was a comforting silence as they walked to their next stop to get some kind of egg. "Wendy?"

"Yeah?" The red head replied, stopping at a mound on the earth and digging it up, quickly but carefully.

"If Dipper got out and infected someone at some point... would that zombie have infected other people?" Mabel asked it so sure she was guilty and so sure she'd be blamed. To worsen Wendy's heart ache, the brunette's eyes began to water.

"Mabel, let's just get Dipper healed for now and... we'll heal some of the other zombies, then boosh. Crisis averted, okay?" The red read replied, tossing an egg into her bag with a worrisome crack.

Mabel sighed, but nodded nonetheless. "Okay." She began to dig in the same general area Wendy was.

Stan rubbed his eyes tiredly, yawning and stretching right where he sat on the porch. His eyes opened to see the normal, monotonous setting of the Gravity Falls forest. He sighed, then jumped when a loud banging made itself obvious. Stan, still grouchy, decided to go check on the little nuisance that made all that noise. "Kid, you're gonna give me-"

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