Chapter 8

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Stanford laughed, watching his brother groan. "Here, eat this." He handed Stanley a pasty cure. "Should heal ya right up."

"STAN WATCH OUT!" Mabel yelled.

"Huh?" Her Grunkle gasped, waking from his daydream. "AHHH!" He yelled, swerving the car and just missing the golf course fence. Everyone's eyes were wide.

"Rere reer." Dipper groaned.

Mabel poked Stan from the back seat. He responded with an 'Ow' and looked back. "What?"

"What'd he say? What'd he say?" Mabel chanted.

"We're here." Stan sighed, getting out. "Mabel, I know you want to keep him, but we should get rid of him before you get too attached and trusting and he- you know..."

Mabel got out, pulling Dipper by his leash and pouted. "Just because he's 'undead' doesn't mean he's going to eat people!" She felt the leash move a bit.

"Tell that to them." Stan sternly pointed towards a crowd of people the unmuzzled zombie was limping towards.

Mabel looked confused. She looked at the leash she held and followed to it's frayed end. "Uh oh." She hissed a 'whoospies' and ran after him, on the way she picked up his muzzle. She grabbed him and pulled him by his hands towards Stan. "See? He's fine!" She put his leash back on, along with his muzzle.

"Braiiinzzz." Dipper groaned, grabbing the sides of Mabel's head.

"No! Bad Dipper!" She yelled, pushing him off. He stood still after that. The girl laughed nervously, wringing out her sweater.

Stan took a deep breath from his nose. "Let's make a deal. If there's no zombie breakout at the end of this, you get to keep him. So help me, if he infects another person, him and all the others are going down."

"Deal! Trust me, Dipper is going to be the most trained zombie you've ever seen!" She shook his hand. "I guarantee it."

"Might want to rethink that." The old man, smirked, walking towards the entrance of the Putt Hutt.

She looked at the limp rope. Frayed end. AGAIN! She groaned in annoyance and stomped towards Dipper, grabbing his ear and dragging him into the Mini-golf park. Grunkle Stan was waiting by the entrance.

"12 dollars entree fee? This better be the best mini golf joint in the world!" He grumbled, taking $36 out of his wallet.

"Excuse me sir, but is your grandson ok?" The teller asked, looking at the bloodied child.

"Grand nephew. Poor kid. Rabies and... he uh... likes to paint."

"With ketchup!" Mabel added.

"...In his mouth."

Dipper groaned. "Rat roun roa rurrid."

"And he needs speech therapy! Ok! Let's go in now!" Mabel smiled, shooing her family in.

Once they were inside, Mabel put the leash and muzzle back on, tighter than before. She inspected them. "How the heck did you get these off anyways?" She mumbled.

The zombie shrugged. "Ra rife."

"That kinda sounded like knife... so I'm just going to ignore that." She guided Dipper towards Stan. "Just stop trying to eat people." She looked to him and he nodded. "Goo-"

His face turned unsure as he moved his hand as if to say 'maybe'. His twin frowned when she seen him shake his head, still having the unsure expression. He just flat out shook his head surely after a while.

Mabel groaned in defeat. "For me?"

He sighed, blowing on a piece of his hair and crossing his arms. He looked towards a group of people, then his sister. He shook his head.

Mabel frowned. "Boo!" She tugged on the leash hard and vindictively, walking with Grunkle Stan to the putter stand.

"Here." Stan grunted, putting a golf club in each of their hands. "Now, let's have some fun."

The female twin smiled, skipping towards the first hole as her brother struggled to catch up. "Ra raror reetch."

"Hold this." Mabel said excitedly, giving her Grunkle the leash. She took off her sweater and wrapped it around her waist.

Stan had a rolled up pamphlet and wacked Dipper on the side of the head as his great niece scored a hole in one. "Ey, be nice to your sister. She's really trying you know. I know you're mind's fogged up and all you want to do is eat, but you've got to try. She's counting on you."

Dipper grunted and folded his arms. "DIPPER! YOUR TURN!" Mabel yelled excitedly, pushing the zombie towards the green. "You remember how to do this, right?" She shoved the mini golf club in his hands.

He lifted it and looked at it, giving it a few practice swings. Mabel looked to her Grunkle excitedly. Dipper was going to mini golf again! Suddenly, Stan moved past her and grabbed Dipper, dragging him away from a birthday party back to the green. "No brains for you, slick!"

Dipper whined and wriggled in Stan's grasp. "Raaaaa wraaaaannnt rrraaaa braaaiinz."

"Dipper." Mabel shook her head and sighed. She looked at him with utter annoyance. "Really?"

After a few hours of repetitive chasing after Dipper, it became a chore that no one wanted to do. They searched the intelligent zombie for weapons and other sharp things he could use to escape his leash, found a knife, and double knotted his muzzle. Mabel sighed and shook out all her stress. She hummed happily. "Okay, last hole I can do this."

"Can't we just go home?" Stan said, pulling on Dipper like he was a big dog. Mabel whipped her head around and glared. Dipper put her in no mood to be denied. Stan coughed. "On second thought, let's stay for this last hole." He tugged really hard on Dipper's leash. The zombie tripped and landed on his back groaning. "Go get 'em sweetie."

Mabel smiled. She swung her club and the ball went through the windmill and out the back to get a hole in one. "Whoop whoop!" Mabel laughed. "Nothing better than a hole in one to brighten your day!" She skipped towards her family. "Okay, now we can go."

"Finally." Stan sighed. "Let's get Dipper out of here."

"A-greed." Mabel smiled. She picked her brother off the ground and led him to the car. Grunkle Stan almost killed them several times on the way back.

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