Alternative (Totally not Originally Planned Ending)

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Hi again! It's me... Mabel! Oh, and Dipper. He's still... different.

It's our birthday today! Can you believe it? We're already 13! Too bad we can't visit mom and dad. They'd be so happy with Dipper's progress. I mean, sure his arms are missing along with his jaw, but his heart's still there!

The rest of the gang are still on shore, but Wendy and I have been making a lot of progress in scuttlebutt island.

Speaking of Wendy, today she rowed to shore and got some birthday food. I can eat candy again!

Mabel sighed as she closed the journal. Tears littered the pages along with her side doodles and Dipper's... whatever he was leaking... blood? Yeah. Her brother was tied to a tree. Tears dripped down her face as she looked up to him from her laying position on the ground. "Love ya bro."

The noise Dipper made can only be described as what sounded like 3 people wheezing in tortuous pain.

She felt an arm wrap around her shoulder. She looked up to see Wendy. "Hey man, are you okay? You know, besides being stranded on an island?"

"It's my fault. Just because I thought that stupid cure was going to work." Mabel sat up and grabbed a rock, throwing it half heartedly.

"Woah, Mabel it's not your fault. It's not mine or even Dipper's.... well it kinda was, but that's besides the point. If it's anyone's it's that invisible wizard."

Mabel leaned against Wendy. "Yeah, but... plbbbffft."

Wendy took Mabel's face in her hands and looked her hard in the eyes. "We'll find a way to fix this, Mabel. We're going to fix it then everything will go back to normal, k?"

Mabel nodded. "Alright."

"That's the spirit." Wendy smiled.


Tad froze. One. Two. Three.... Zombie after zombie they gathered by the clear box, smelling the live flesh inside. Tears dripped down his face as he cried in fetal position. It was only a few hours before the glass broke.

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