Attack on USJ

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Narrator: The start of the USJ training episode goes as normal, the alarm goes off and villains start coming to attack eraser head fights them off and warp teleports the class to different locations across the facility which makes Izuku land in the water.

Izuku: *Water? It must be that smoke guys quirk, they came here to kill All Might it's a good thing he isn't here right no-

Narrator: Before he can finish his sentence a villain with  aquatic like powers swims fast towards him, before it can attack Asui swims in and kicks it the side grabbing Deku while holding Mineta in her hand and get's them to the boat.   

Deku: Thanks you saved my life Asui. 

Tsu: I told you call me Tsu. 

Deku: Sorry. 

Tsu: This isn't looking good. 

Deku: Yeah I can't stop thinking about what that villain said. He said that All Might was supposed to be here, that means he knows our whole schedule and who would be here. They probably got in when the media came to the school and during the panic got what they needed.

Mineta: It's not like they can actually kill All Might

Tsu: Well if they have been planing this since the school media incident, maybe they found a way to kill him. 

Deku: *As much as I don't like the guy I don't want him dead* 

Narrator: As they are talking they feel the water move and see all the villains surrounding them in water. Outside the story starts to go as normal Ida gets out of the facility thanks to the help of the pro hero thirteen. 

Mineta: WHAT DO YOU MEAN FIGHT. Let's just wait here for a real hero.  

Deku: Alright so the villains clearly have a advantage in the water, which is probably where we will fight. 

Mineta: Are you even listing to me. 

Deku: There is something I don't get if they knew to pput al the villians that have water type quirks here, why did they teleport you here with us. Your quirk is perfect in a fight like this so that means-

Tsu: "Ribbit" They don't know what are quirks are. 

Deku: Exactly that's why there just surrounding us, they don't know how strong we are. Okay what are your quirks. 

 Narrator: They explain each others quirks and Deku starts to think of a plan. He tells Mineta to throw as many balls as he can. 

Deku; Okay Tsu when I give the signal grab Mineta and me,

Tsu: What signal?

Deku: The explosion I'm about to make. 

Mineta: What? 

Narrator: Izuku jumps of the boat and reaches into one of his pouches in his belt and throws a small ball into the water which cases a explosion making a small whirlpool making the villains stick together due to Mineta's quirk. Tsu jumps then grabs him as well as Mineta and they once she lands she swims them to solid ground.

Tsu: What was that eplosion.

Deku: Oh, when I put in the upgrades for my suit that girl at the support item class gave it to me she said it's one of her babies and she wants someone to test it. 

 They stay in the water and the same thing happens as int he show they watch Aizawa fight the villains and Shigaraki shows up and disintegrates his elbow then Nomu breaks his arm and slams his head into the ground.

Warp: One of the students got out, so pro heroes should be here soon so we have to leave. 

Shigaraki: Your right too bad I wanted to finish this here, but while were here let's destroy All Might's pride.     

Narrator: He says looking at the three students with a blink of an eye Deku sees Shigaraki's pretty much in front of them and his arm is reaching out to grab Tsu and use his quirk on her. 

Deku: *I can't let him touch her if he dose she will die, but what can I do. Damn it my body is moving on it's own. 

But this time Deku react quickly and grabs Shigarakis arm and delivers a punch to his face, knoking him away from her, shigaraki sends the Nomu grabbing Deku resticting him from moving and then goes to try and attack Tsu again but a explosion happens near the entrance and they see All Might. Before anyone can even think All Might leaps over and grabs the three students as well as Aizawa jumping away to put them in a safe distance. 

All Might: Take Aizawa and get him to the entrance.

Deku: But All Might this guy is-

All Might: Don't worry I got this. "He says with a smile across his face" 

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