All For One

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Narrator: Izuku stands up and sees the villain All for One as he is talking to Shigaraki and freezes. 

Izuku: *No... way t-that's All For One, how is he h-here* 

Shigaraki: I even brought Izuku Midoriya, because I know you saw something in him- 

Narrator: Before he can finish All Might smashes into him and All For One catches his attack as they clash. As he knocks All Might back. 

All For One: Shigaraki you still have much room to grow, I'm sure you will learn from your previous mistake.

All Might: Give my student back! 

Mr Compress: Shigaraki let's go, while All Might is busy. 

Izuku: *Wait* There is no way I'm going back with you guys. "He says pulling out his broken staff using them now as batons" *5 of them, I shouldn't attack have to stay on the defensive I'm still injured and I have no idea what all of their quirks are.*

Narrator: Togo goes to attack first but Izuku blocks it with his firs baton and hits her with the second then leaps back to leave distance, but right as he jumps back he runs into Spinner and barley doges his attack by ducking and punching him before he can attack more a blade like tape narrowly misses Izuku leaving a cut on his cheek. 

Izuku: * My concentration is all off, and my injuries are worse then I thought, I probably won't be able to keep this up for long*

Narrator: Bakugou and his group are stood frozen watching this. 

Bakugou: Didn't you guys come here to save that nerd.

Uraraka: "She snaps out of her shock" He is right we have to do something he is still injured from camp he won't last long in a 5 on 1. 

Bakugou: Since I'm here I will help you out, I will get him you need to find a way to get into the air it's the only way they won't follow us. 

Narrator: He starts to move to the side waiting for just the right time, to step in. 

Todoroki: I can make a ice slope to get the hight. 

Ida: I can get whoever needs to up there.

Uraraka: Ida if you take me with you I can use my quirk on one of us and when we get Deku and Bakugou I can alter the gravity so we can decrease in hight while keeping the speed. 

Kirishima: Is it just me or dose this sound like a plan Midoriya would make, let's do this. 

Narrator: Izuku flips back avoiding another attack giving him room and at that moment Bakugou release's a explosion shooting him in the direction of Izuku and grabs him, he sends a charged explosion shooting them both into the air. While this is happening Todoroki sends a ice slop for Ida and Uraraka to launch themselves into the air Uraraka uses her quirk on her feet keeping them at a certain hight and Ida grabs Bakugou and Izuku. Before the villains can attack Grand Torino knocks them all down, when they try to attack The villain Magne knowing they will get in the way uses his magnetism quirk magnetise them and send all of them into warps portal.  As they land. 

Izuku: You guys really came to save me. 

Uraraka: Of course. 

Ida: What kind of class rep would I eb to leave one of my classmates behind. 

Bakugou: Don't you dare think I did this for you, I only did this because these guys begged me and I couldn't let you get a big head from saving me. So you better not forget me saving you right now. 

Izuku: *Isn't he getting a big head right now from saving me.* Yeah, sure. 

Narrator: Everyone watches as the fight continues with All Might and One For All but as All Might throws a devastating punch to All for One using a strong amount of power half of his body turns back to normal. All For One forces himself out of his grip with one of his quirks and sends a high pressurised ball of air at All Might Grand Torino tries to help but All Might jumps in front of his way protecting his master taking the full front of the attack. Once the wind and smoke clears All Might reverts to his normal form. 

Reporter: Woah it's like All Might shrunk or something. 

Narrator: Izuku's face froze *Everyone knows now his secret it's blown* 

All Might: You can expose all of my weaknesses but I won't fall to the likes of you. 

One For All: You won't will you, well you should know that Shigaraki was the grandson of your master. Just for you I groomed him so that he would hate you, blame you make it his goal to kill you. 

All Might: W-what. 

All For One: Oh where is that famous smile now. 

All Might; *N-o No I failed her, I couldn't save her and I couldn't even help her grandson he is the leader of the League of villains* 

Narrator: Izuku looks at Bakugou and Bakugou get's the message Izuku puts his hand on his shoulder for the firts time both of there views are aligned the hero they once looked up to needs help. Bakugou shoots them both into the air and they both shout.  


All Might: *My students* You made me realise I failed him Shigaraki he fell into your clutches and is deluded with your views. But I just realised I can't fail anyone else, all of these people are relying on me. So "He says with his arm increases in size as he uses the last of his strength" that's why I must-

Narrator: All For One uses all of his enhancement quirks as his arm increases in size as well they both leap at each other clashing, All For One seems to hav the advantage. But All Might refuses to give up refuses to let his fire go out, instead he increases that fire inside himusing everythign he has. 

All Might: DEFEAT YOU! 

Narrator: His fist connects with One For All smashing his breathing device and smashing him into the ground. He lifts his hand up pointing at the camera saying. 

All Might:  Don't forget, now it's your turn. 

Izuku: *He won, but his quirk he overused it. It's- It's gone because of me, I know he is directing that question at me. He wants me to take over. This is my fault if I didn't get captured he would have been able to go all out from the start not wasting his time with protecting me. Maybe I have to it's my fault his quirk is gone that he is no longer Number 1. I should take responsibility and do as he asks and take his quirk. 

The Quirkless Hero Book 1Where stories live. Discover now