Victory or Defeat

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Narrator: Izuku starts walking to the edge of the ring. 

Desut: *Damn it kid, you knew about this. I know you can win* 

Izuku: *What now I can barley even move my fingers I can't let Desut or myself down, okay think it's mind control so I have to break my self out of this. But I have limited options considering I can't control myself think Orjiro told me about this quirk there has to something I can use. He said he mind control lasted to the end of his Calvary battle then it broke once he bumped into someone at the end of the Calvary battle. so the bump acted like a shock to his system and woke him up. But he said it may vary on the perso- Got it!

Narrator: Izuku focuses all of his movement into his thumb and just moves it onto the button of his staff realising the blade into his leg. Which also acts like a shock to his body realising him from the mind mind control.

Shinso: What the!


Ojiro: Man he had me scared for a second.

Shinso: *I have to get him back under control* How did you do that! 

Narrator: Izuku cover shis mouth and pulls the staff out sighing realising it didn't go that deep, he turns his attention to Shinso and runs at him even with his injured leg.

Shinso: Did monkey boy tell you about my quirk. Damn it speak! 

Narrator: He Izuku punches him in the face causing him to stumble bakwards before Shinso can react Izuku swipes at his feet causing him to fall and hit the ground but beofre he touches the ground, he sends a kick to his chest sending him flying out of bounce.

Present Mic: Shinso is out of bounce so IZUKU WINS!! 

Uraraka: That was way too nerve-racking.

Idia: Turning the tables at the last minute classic Midoriya.   

Kaminari: Surprised he didn't use that move on you.

Bakugou: SHut is sparky. * Damn nerd isn't messing around he is aiming to win, but he shoiuldn't think for a second that I'm gonna let him*

Izuku: That was a great match "Izuku says as he reaches his hand out to help him up but he swats it away* Hey don't be discouraged it was one loss, with a quirk like yours I know you will be a great hero. 

Shinso: S-shut up.

Narrator: After Izuku goes and get's treated by medical girl who scolds him for being so reckless as well as Desut, the rest of the matches go as usual and Izuku sits in the stand watching Uraraku's fight

Iida: This fight is one sided how can they let this go on.

 Izuku: Uraraka hans't given up so she still has a chance, I just wish I could have helped her at least a bit. 

Present Mic: Should we stop the fight. 

Aizawa: No the she is still standing that means it's not over. 

Narrator:  The fight goes the same with Uraraka losing which makes Izuku feel terrible even after trying to give her his notebook he wished he could have done more. He get's up and goes to the room she is in. 

Izuku: Uraraka are you okay. 

Uraraka: I'm fine, I guess I got a little cocky thinking I could win like that. 

Izuku: Don't think like that yo- 

Present Mic: Izuku Midoriya please go to the ring as your next fight will soon comence. "He says through the interoms" 

Uraraka: Go we can talk later, good luck. 

Izuku: Thanks. 

Izuku: *I feel awful she has helped me this whole time at UA and I couldn't even help her, on top of that she said she is gonna cheer me on, I don't deserve a friend like her I was meant to be the one to encouraged her but she's the one who encouraged me* "As he is thinking he bumps into someone" Oh sorr- Hey your the number 2 hero Endeavour! 

Endeavour: Hm, your the one who thought Shinso and the one who will fight my son, if you are going to fight him use your quirk and don't hold back. He will be the number one hero so if you won't use your quirk you might as well forfeit. 

Izuku: I have no intention of forfeiting. "He says walking past him" 

Narrator: Izuku makes his way to the ring as he hears all the crowds cheering, he pulls out his staff getting ready to fight. 

Present Mic: Izuku Midoriya vs Shoto Todoroki! LEt the fight BEGIN!

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